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32 thoughts on “WRAITH AT MAX MMR (ITS KINDA SILLY) – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Idk how anyone can think this game is killer sided with perks the math of the time in on the survivors side survivors take 2 minutes to die while gens take 80 seconds to do along with the free gen progress they get at the beginning of the game because the killer can’t pressure spread out survivors along with second chance perks adding more time to their life even with gen regress perks it doesn’t matter because you can only regress 1 gen at a time while 3 other survivors do gens medkits allow survivors to be even more time efficient and I sum the whole thing up with killers need to take almost 3 seconds the start regression with a kick but all’s survivors have to do is tap it for less than half a second to stop the regression I’m not a “top tier” player on either side by any means but Ik what game balance is

  2. Efficient loopers, always on gens otherwise, strong loops/pallets, I know I'm no master of this game, but if I was, this level wouldn't be fun at all. It's too hard to get consistent games where either side can win, often you destroy potatoes or get 3-4 hooks against a strong 4-man who sometimes aren't even a swf.

  3. Your killer has map pressure, no excuse for not defending ruin when you know someone's gonna spawn there based on your level of experience and it being on the far side of the map. The counter play is to use your map pressure speed and go defend it instead of going for the easy local chase.

  4. if True didn't uncloak fully for the bounce landing maybe could't get a hook and stop one of the 3 gens on going but stop them to get to 1 gen seems impossible and a second mistake was the early swing at the pallet those mistakes happen in the first chase it need to be a really quick down or drop the chase it's like 1 opportunity or get gen rushed.

  5. The fact you think it's max mmr is a joke lol. You got outplayed and couldn't down anyone at first. It's obvious wraith ain't a S tier killer but is still fairly good compared to before. You make excuses half the time, not denying your a ok killer tho. Should know you need more gen regression/slow downs at the "max mmr" 😂 surprised you didn't accuse them.of being a swf lol

  6. At this point, I just want survivor bots or some kind of killer PvE

    or a hybrid PvE/PvP where there's a human survivor or two with survivor bot teammates, who provide the weak link in higher rank match-ups.

  7. Dwight obviously had Balanced "whatever he had to make him go faster", 30 seconds into the game and already throwing "hacking" shade to the survivors in case he gets stomped. This guy, to think i was spending money and time watching you on Twitch. Biggest ego in gaming history.

  8. Tbh your build was suboptimal. Shadow dance is very mediocre and meme-y (except on the Game I guess). All-Seeing or Swift Hunt could have given you more value. Especially with All-Seeing you could have swapped out Nurses for something better (Undying, Sloppy, Lethal, Haunted, Corrupt). I haven't really tried Tinkerer on Wraith yet so I have no experience to base this off, but it just seems very superfluous on Wraith to me since you are so fast and can check on gens quickly anyway.
    To your credit, this was a horrible map indeed.

    Lastly, something a bit more personal, this title reads extremely arrogant to me. It implies that you think you are the unshakable number one god at Wraith. And if that is a factual statement or not is irrelevant, you just don't go around blowing your own horn.

  9. its literally 75% of my game is like this I stream also and everyone always say my games is sweaty because I win to much and I agree when I get team like this I usually laugh it off because dbd is not made for this type of mmr with every killer

  10. These survivors were average at best. You kept dropping chases because of the drop chase perk called tinkerer, a lot of mistakes, whiffs, 0 pressure. This is not max mmr at all. You're kinda delusional.


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