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Which killer should you main?!
Well if you don’t have the stranger things DLC then xenomorph LOL!
But if you do! Which killer is stronger?
In this video I show you two strong games with the EXACT same build!
I want to KNOW your thoughts!!
Post comments and let me know!
Introduction (0:00)
Demogorgon (1:05)
Xenomorph (12:45)
Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
*which pet is better? (Fixed it XD)
Which is cuter?
Demo is more fun and synergises with more perks but xeno is probably better due to speed
No who's winning demo or alien I'm picking demo
Wish I could even get the Demigorgon…
Look I love me some Alien, but if we are going just off of lore, Demogorgon would fuck up the alien so bad it would not even know what hit it.
Demo is better atm, only because of current xenomorph tail bug. When that is fixed then xeno.
Xeno is definitely fun, but I still remain a demi main. I've always viewed him as a jack of all trades type killer and i just overall vibe better with him and i have more control over the portals, and i love his stompy little footsteps and weird demo noises. And hes kinda exclusive now : )
In terms of lore strnght, if the two fought it would really come down to how effective the acid blood is on demo. Cuz I think demo is physically stronger (plus psychic capabilities on top of that) and xenos are a little more fragile. So the acid blood will decide it.
puppies? It's DemoPuppy & XenoKitten!
Ahh, dogs vs. cats, which is better. An age-old argument…
They are both S tier killers in terms of strength and fun to play
Lore wise its xenomorphs. Xenomorphs are stronger by nature especially considering they are a very lethal and successful ambush predator species. A xenomorph invasion is gameover on any species by how the operate in terms of hunting and reproduction. All it takes is one hive and the upside down is now an entire realm of newly adapted xenomorphs
In my opinion xeno its best because he can travel the map moré easy then demo because the demo portals the survivors can be destroyed but with the control station no. Anti Loop power xeno its better because he dosen’t need charge nothing just puss the button and he attack and he can hit you behind a wall. But the demo can with shred break palets and in high ground you can do a big jump but in short loops like in rocks the shred its not so useful like the tail attack. And the xeno if you ran out of power don’t worry in the tunnels go another side of map and boom you have the runner mode instant
I feel they're VERY different killers, besides having portals.
I don't think they can really be compared because of that.
Demo is much more mobile and has a higher skill ceiling, Xenomorph has better early game and stronger antiloop.
I used to be a demo main but Xenomorph is from a franchise i like way more and i just have more fun playing as it
I will forever be a Demogorgon main, already near p100 with mah boi, and over 3k hours with em, but I can already tell and feel Xeno is stronger in the speed of going though tunneles, his M2 just being stronger in downing since it can go though pallets, and Xeno just has more of a natural going slowdown/info with the turrets (Plus Xeno as better addons).
Demo not too long ago on the release of Alien had his best addon nerfed for some odd reason?, 90% of the times when I see a Demo they have shred addons always (Unless its a DevourGorgon, then they will have Lifeguard Whistle), so in terms of addons, they are a bit iffy, Shred addons the best, Whistle very strong, and now I don't really think the Leprose Lichen is worth it anymore.
I will say, the thing that has carried Demo since his release has been his shred, and that is still the case, TPs are just too long to set up, to long to activate, to long to traverse, I do think Demo's M2 is better than Xeno's as its always active, but Xeno just has more going for em. (But I will never drop my Demo boi).
To be honest, i love the Xenomorph Chapter so much, but Demo will always have a special place in my hearth ^^
To hit with a tail attack from Xeno is nice, but when you hitting a good shred, it feels so great.
And dont forget the Scream after each hit from Demo…. just perfect.
All Might to the Xeno, but Demo for President 😉
I'll save you the trouble. Xeno.
IDK about anyone else but after watching this I'm gonna go home and take my demo puppy out for a walk 🤣. Great video
so the one reason id say to not bring the opening locker to hear them scream perk for the xeno puppy is because most the time youre in runner mode and your terror radius gets smaller so it is actually a better sync to demo puppers (in my opinion)
Xeno Kitty or Demo Doggo?
Xeno I feel is better in loop situations where Demo is better for long stretches, but both are amazing killers and I wish I’d been around to catch a code for Demo before they became 200 spondoolis
Super fun matches! Great survs! Fun endgames
I think lore wise Xeno wins in the short run, but they don't have a very long life cycle so Demo could outlast. Facehugger ain't doing shit to Demo's teeth either.
In my opinion xeno is less fun. Maybe thats just because I’m a console player though, so my experience feels miserable.
In lore the Zeno morph wis
I feel like both are extremely similar. Kinda feels like the Huntress V Deathslinger debate. I’d say both are comfortably in the B tier. Both of them kinda get robbed from parts of their power.
For the "Lore" based, I think;
basic alien vs. Demogorgon = Tie
Alien queen vs. Demogorgon = Alien Wins
I could be swayed either way on the first one; but I think the Acid Blood (Alien) is the x-factor most likely to change the result from a tie; given that Demos primarily attack with claws and teeth.
Sorry for long post, lol
Umm so delicious 🤤 patoato legion 🤤🤤🤤
Im a dog person(aka demogorgon)
Wait a minute, is this footage from before they nerfed Xeno?
In terms of lore, personally I think it's Demogorgon is stronger than xeno because demo is an interdimensional creature with powers and abilities beyond our realm and dimension. Meanwhile the xenomorph is an alien bound to the same rules of physics and chemistry of our own dimension. So technically and realistically demo is the strongest.