Yun-Jin New Survivor? Audio Translation + Studio Map – New Dead By Daylight Chapter 19 Second Teaser

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Yun-Jin: I canceled the interview that was held on Saturday, and on that day, don’t come near the studio and take a break. It might be hard (difficult?) that day.
Unknown: What special day is it?
Yun-Jin: Saturday is the day that is a year from the day of the fire.
Unknown: Then everyone will pay attention. Hold the interview again. You can do it
Dead By Daylight Chapter 19 is coming soon! Our second teaser has just been posted on their official page it and from audio clip, I’m thinking Yun-Jin just might be the name of the new survivor in the upcoming chapter later this month? I still don’t think this will be a licensed killer from what we’ve seen so far.
#DBD #chapterxix #magnumopus


3 thoughts on “Yun-Jin New Survivor? Audio Translation + Studio Map – New Dead By Daylight Chapter 19 Second Teaser”

  1. I am here again to further strengthen our friendship and I will always come back to leave all my appreciation for your work. My positive sign is already fixed in your collection of likes.

  2. Japanese? I can't quite think of any particular Asian horror movies that have a killer/survivor of any notoriety 😅 a nice little teaser though. I wouldn't be surprised if they keep dropping more things like this to build the hype even more 😆👍


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