15 MINS OF TIER 3 MYERS! (SCARY!) – Dead by Daylight!

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26 thoughts on “15 MINS OF TIER 3 MYERS! (SCARY!) – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Honestly I'm about over being a killer main. Survivors gen rush constantly and have the far better perks that makes it so one sided. It's to the point where they should add a 6th gen or make it where it's 2 hooks until death in stead of 3. Something where the Survivors have to actually work for it as much as the killer does….

  2. I'm surprised true didn't see the totem when he got downed literally in front of it but he was probably looking at chat. You can see the totem clearly @8:33 but anyhow here's a few totem spots on RPD (from memory)

    1. East office behind desk
    2. Welcome Leon room behind desk
    3. Near main entrance facing door
    4. Main hall
    – By front door (facing it)
    – In front of the statue behind medical divider
    – Behind the entrance desk
    5. Press briefing room*
    6. Evidence Room
    7. Records room
    8. Library
    9. Flooded bathroom
    10. Stars office (behind desk)
    11. By the crashed helicopter
    12. Behind chiefs desk (2nd floor)
    13. Waiting room 2nd floor behind desk

    *this is where Mikeys ruin was this game.

  3. When players try to self unhook i just let them finish trying. If they want to get their own save they can use all 3 attempts themselves. If they're going to pull that garbage to get that 4% chance at some extra points they can finish it themselves. They can heal themselves too.

  4. I still say a secondary objective will accomplish so much, just something like getting a random part, getting fluids, or something would add much more game play and strategy for the game. The overall affect of it would be dependent on the actual import of it, like when you can get the part, what part will be needed, how the killer can affect this part/repair, how do you get the part, etc

  5. Speaking of 1v4 … you want boons to be as quiet as fire lit totems ?? 4 people possibly looking for ruin but only 1 person looking for 1-2-3 circle of healing with no noise ? How is that balanced and double standard?

  6. The only thing close to "clicking" I can think of is doing a Wraith with the add-on (assuming its still there, haven't played in awhile) that makes the bell heard all over. Add on to speed it up and just constantly bang on it while in chase or to "BM" lol.

  7. 1. Iron Will is the one perk I have always used. Stealth just isn't possible in many situations without it. Also I tire of hearing my character whine continually.

    2. Windows of Opportunity seems good for any solo player but it's probably less effective with a swf team that can tell you what they've used.

    3. If possible you should really move/resize the location of the next video thumbnails as they cover players' setups on the post game screen.

  8. When my friends watch me play killer, I always point out to them the survivors who don't have iron will and are a lot easier to find, a lot of the time people I would miss. It's so good

  9. They already did what you're saying in the beginning of the video. They got rid of mori spam so you can't keep spamming the animation until you decide to fully fill the bar. Not sure if you've discussed this already pre-game.


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