Bubba's Alt Masks Removed?!? Dead Man's Switch HUGE Buff! – Dead By Daylight Mid Chapter

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No hacker things, sadge
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38 thoughts on “Bubba's Alt Masks Removed?!? Dead Man's Switch HUGE Buff! – Dead By Daylight Mid Chapter”

  1. Umm.. Sorry for my language but.. What The Fuck?!?

    I remember getting all those masks.. It was not that easy at the time.. It was the original version of Leatherface.. This actually makes me very mad since I used to sometimes roll a die to see what mask I would wear.. That person I would share the face with would become my "Sister" or "Brother" and I would "protect" them. Any other survivor that would get near I would go after.. Not always hang around said "sister" or "brother"… But I will still try to make it known I am "protecting" them by not allowing other survivors to mess with them.. and they are free to do gens, totems, unhook.. But after a timer If no other survivors come near I would go to the other side of the map. Then go looking for a different survivor..

    If there was a Nea player, I would run away from her because she is scary. This removal completely destroys that fun. I never harassed anyone, and had some fun games. Some people when I do it would think it was funny. Some would get weirded out but that was about it. ( Because I would talk in endgame chat as if I am the "brother" of one or more of the survivors that shared the same mask. If a Nea player was there and saying things.. I would reply as if scared.. )

    I really do not think their 6k iri shard per mask is not cool. I want my masks, I worked for them.. At the very least exchange them for something else that is cool and has a meaning..

    Sorry I am just a bit upset with this. I have never heard though of people playing Leatherface in the way mentioned. Now I have heard of people who camp hooks as Leatherface but that is it.. So I found that odd.

    I also really dislike some of the changes as well.. Others are ok.. Think overall I am not happy with this update when it happens if its the same. Also they really, really need to make Pyramid Head's addons better than they are.. Especially the iris. I would prefer PH to have one strong iri like other killers, and one iri that is meant to change how he is played but in a fun way and not something horrid.

    Its the ways I have always thought the iris should be.. Something that makes something the killer has even stronger. Or something that is kind of a interesting change in how you play the killer.. Kinda like Myers. Honestly I feel he has more fun addons than most of the other killers personally. He also has strong addons that change how he is played. Something that is fun.

    But I know that killer's fun is not quite as cared about when it comes to DBD sadly..

    I know this is a bit of a rant but.. I hope you at least understand where I am coming from on this..

  2. Okay so I get removing the mask, we know which one, but all of them?
    Are they saying that Bubba players was running around with Athleteface and typing redhead slurs in the endgame chat?
    We know Smartface was the issue, and honestly they should have considered the implications of it when they first added it.

  3. the people who are upset about the removal of the Bubba masks have got to understand that just because an issue didn't affect them, that it doesn't mean that it wasn't an issue… i as a white invidual wasn't targeted, but sometimes i would be simply because i played adam or elodie and a person wearing the blackface cosmetic didn't like that. it's not just '1 or 2 people' doing this, it's a lot more if you just opened your eyes and listened to the great deal of people speaking out about it. since he was released. sistakaren here on YT has a very good educational video that should really be viewed if you hadn't already. no, the removal of the masks won't STOP racism, it's not gonna to stop racist gamers from being toxic. However, it's removing a tool that amplified their behavior 10 fold… srry for the mini-rant, some of these people in the comments are just insufferable. do not deny humans respect because your mini-grind cosmetic is going to be removed.

  4. Tur3 has to be targeted by someone in behavior. It can’t be that only when he discovers good builds they immediately get nerfed clown had the pinky finger for years but now because tru3 starting using and talking about it, it gets nerfed. Same with the iri for pinhead I can’t believe that this is just a coincidence

  5. Lol the Leatherface stuff is dumb as shit. Catering to a small minority of angry people on Twitter over an ever smaller minority of hateful people.

    And the add-on nerfs as a whole is stupid. After how good part one was I was expecting part two to be pretty good but instead I woke up and got mad XD

    I like the dead man's stuff it legitimately seems like it's going to be a good perk especially on doctor or artist… Really the only thing I like about this is the perk buffs.

  6. BHVR: Oh no ppl use masks to be towxik again survivors lets remove them
    Also BHVR: We made sure when making the new crouch animation that tbagging is still satisfying! for survivors that is

  7. Seems like you misread the boil over buff. you get 25% if you as a killer drop while carrying the survivor, not when you drop the survivor from a great height. Also the gearhead thing is kind of a nerf, because it used to be good skill checks, but it's great skill checks now.


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