Are Survivors KILLING Dead by Daylight?!

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29 thoughts on “Are Survivors KILLING Dead by Daylight?!”

  1. Honestly, the best way for killer's to prove a point is to just stop playing killer until the queues for survivors get outrageously long across all servers. The devs are always going to default to making the game survivor-sided because it's a 4v1, for every 1 killer the devs piss off they please 4 survivors. This is the same reason Resident Evil: Resistance died with some of the only notable differences between it and DBD being that Resistance was abandoned and was a much smaller game to begin with. As a result, that game can have queues that last 10+ minutes, just for the Mastermind to get rolled by a swat team. If the majority of killer's truly want DBD to change, they need to stop playing killer and commit to that decision, that's the only solution to this problem.

  2. I agree. I used to love this game but now most games are miserable. Sad thing is BH won't do jack about it. I already see most of the time there's a bonus for killers playing. Survivors don't realize gen rushing and BMing is just chasing folks away. It's not fun

  3. Oh you have no idea 😂 4 days ago played a match in red forest as knight. The game lasted 51 mins on the dot. Only for the last person I found finally because they were hiding she died from the timer. 😂 literally watched a 14 min YouTube video while playing 😭❤️

  4. I think squads should be split up into role ques. And each role must be filled and you only have certain perks you can run for each class. The problem isn't the perks the problem is them stacking perks. Like bro why you need two COH two shadow steps three prove themselves and mix between lith SB and dh? On one squad?

  5. So you admit it's a cycle, yet you do things to perpetuate the continuation of said cycle. Why complain if you are part of the problem? I don't see a reason to do things like hit survivors on a hook to rub salt in when they haven't done anything toxic.

  6. I think the rise of twitter and tiktok has a lot to do with the amount of entitled people in this community. The platforms grew in power, so people feel more "empowered" to act the way they act. Bad news is, they are the majority, and it is not going to change anytime soon, if ever, this game is a perfect reflection of our society, I think. Anyways, what I mean to say is, besides the funny stuff you also make a lot of good points, especially in your serious videos, keep the content up man ❤

  7. Survivor mains need to be spoon fed and coddled or they groan, if the killer plays a certain way it’s a fault of the devs and game design and they must be punished, meanwhile playing fair, being nice, and doing all the things survivors expect you to do results in you being taken advantage of by a swf with the best perks, items, addons, etc. with no remorse, although I’m a killer main survivor play has become unbearable, lately none of my homies have been running dbd, so if I want to play survivor I solo queue, which 9/10 matches results in atleast 1 random killing themselves on hook, throwing the match, or straight up dc’ing, ruining the game for the other 3 players in the process, survivors are at the core of every problem with this game on both sides, it starts and ends with them

  8. Hey I like all you're videos with the hilarious commentary very enjoyable to watch. You're like a comedian! I hope you're channel grows and people watch more of your videos!

  9. I’ve almost turned full survivor main because of how miserable killer can be recently. Playing survivor is so chill and playing killer just isn’t fun anymore. They’ve gotten built in bt and the hud now, and killer gets what? Tinkerer nerfed when they can now see gen progress😂

  10. This game. Is miserable for both sides, both sides have shitty perks to play against. And shitty playstyles for instance knight and skullmerchant, tbh its not survivors killing this game but bhvr. Also this recent killer meta also didnt help


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