Best Build for Every Killer (6.2.1) | Dead by Daylight

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This video breaks down the best builds for every Killer, from Trapper to Wesker, plus a couple extra builds and advice for each of them to help you find your ideal perks. A “best build” is always subjective, but I hope that you find the information useful.

▶ Online spreadsheet (updated frequently):

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:52 Trapper
0:04:40 Wraith
0:07:27 Hillbilly
0:09:49 Nurse
0:12:37 Huntress
0:15:24 Shape
0:19:26 Hag
0:23:35 Doctor
0:26:40 Cannibal
0:29:39 Nightmare
0:32:16 Pig
0:35:52 Clown
0:38:25 Spirit
0:41:44 Legion
0:45:57 Plague
0:49:57 Ghostface
0:52:35 Demogorgon
0:55:30 Oni
0:57:54 Deathslinger
1:00:20 Executioner
1:02:59 Blight
1:05:16 Twins
1:08:17 Trickster
1:11:15 Nemesis
1:14:00 Cenobite
1:17:23 Artist
1:19:58 Onryo
1:22:50 Dredge
1:25:20 Mastermind

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


46 thoughts on “Best Build for Every Killer (6.2.1) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. personally for demogorgon, i like the build:

    – surge (jolt)
    – save the best for last
    – floods of rage
    – bamboozle

    the idea of this build is,
    – floods of rage… you see people for 7 whole seconds which you can teleport close or on them.
    – save the best for last for quick and easy downs, not much to say about this.
    – bamboozle for helping get nice and simple shreds especially at shack.
    — surge for slowdown since you generally use more m1s than shreds with demo, plus you have save the best for last which gives you even more incentive to m1

  2. One build I would reccomend for any movement killer; lethal, bbq, pain res and FoR (its the changeable in this build, I use shadowborn). It might not be the most OP build but it's definitely really fun, you always see where survivors are and if your getting downs, pain res regresses gens so you can focus on chases

  3. For Wesker, a build I've lived running on him so far has been jolt, stbfl, dissolution, and a info perk like bbq or darkness revealed. Jolt works really well with Wesker since he's so aggressive and can move around the map quickly as well as close distance between survivors very fast. This also combos with save the best since it will allow you to pop a gen multiple times if there taking protection hits, it's also very easy for Wesker to save his stack. Dissolution is great on him since he can vault pallets so quickly it forces survivors to either leave or vault and break the pallet letting you either way close the distance and get the kill. And with a perk like bbq if there in range of it you'll almost always be able to quickly get into a new chance and prock another jolt.

  4. i tried the second Pyramid Head build didn't work out as much as i wanted especially if your chasing someone else you get the undetectable but you either leave them for the gen or try to finish chase i started using Pentimento, Franklins, Plaything and pain resonance got one of the worst maps for him the Grim Pantry and managed to get all 5 stacks of Pentimento lol you can easily trade out franklins for something else and if your really good at getting ppl into his trail than you can probably trade out pain resonance too.

  5. Thank you so much for this, I’ve been trying to get more serious about my builds. Plenty of great things to try. Plus I’ve been getting more friends into the game and when we run customs I try and send them good builds when they don’t understand all the perks yet. You’re awesome Otz

  6. 1:00:18 “Know your add ons with this killer, pair them with your perks and you’ll have many more options.”

    As a Slinger Main with multiple builds that compliment each of his add-ons wether it’s Anti-Heal, Stealth, Undetectable, Hit-Runs, Ect, that statement is 100% true. 🔥 I might have to try your builds out, never really played a Hex Slinger. 🤔

  7. Suggestion for anyone who saw pyramid heads list and decides they wanna try it, I would suggest trying to make either the first or second hook the regular one. If you cage the first and second time and the survivor is tormented when they go down, you COULD use your special mori animation to just kill them but if you want that perk value, you have to pick them up and hook them. I would suggest hooking early on that way if in this position you can just kill them and move on.

  8. Yesterday I was running a build on Wesker that consisted of Tinkerer, Dark Devotion, Lethal Pursuer, and Hex: Retribution. You can really sneak up on survivors and once they cleanse (or more likely bless) your hex, you get the map awareness that retribution brings, and you’ll probably be undetectable too. Lethal Pursuer also extends the time that retributions aura reading lasts, making it easier to move to a survivor working on a far gen or getting wall hacks on a survivor you’re chasing. It’s a really good build and it really throws the survivors off.

    Edit: if you didn’t notice, there’s no gen regression on the build. You really want to be aggressive and take every chase, but also be safe and have map awareness to know when to leave chase and check a gen. Tinkerer will help a ton with this.

  9. I have i build that i created for my legion and i have a lot of fun with it, i called "stealfh stabber" the build is dark devotion, nemesis,enduring and knockout with addon you can use mistif list and mural sketch, the idea is foce the person to become your obsession recover faster, vault , and boom, free undecteble, and the obsession will not know about dark devotion bcuz see is oblivious so they cannot give the call "he have dark devotion" knockout is just so you can slug the obsessuon to get some dark devotion value without surv trying to hide cz they will not know if you are sluging or not

  10. otz please include best build for each killer if you also get addons cause sometimes best build plus best addon combo doesent always mean best full build. good video tho
    edit on your spreedsheet

  11. For Wesker, what's really been working out well for me so far has been Bamboozle/Brutal Strength/STBFL/Call of Brine. Bamboozle makes it so when you vault with your power by bounding at windows, they get blocked meaning you can cut loops short very quickly, plus if any survivor vaults a window with a drop behind you, you vault fast enough that you land next to them as they're recovering from the fall, getting an almost guaranteed hit. Brutal can help quickly clear the pallets that are a real pain to deal with, and combos really well with call of brine to very quickly regress gens and not lose too much momentum from kicking, and STBFL is the one you could probably swap for something else, I just find the animation pretty satisfying and it can help when using your power would be more of a hinderance to you than just m1'ing the survivor

  12. I just have to share my favorite game moment from last night. It was equal parts luck and skill. At Midwich, the killer was playing as Nurse. I'm playing as Tapp. My Feng teammate gets tunneled out, but plays well and survived until the last few gens. Last gen gets completed, and my Bill teammate goes down. I 99'd my exit gate. My Nea teammate opened their exit gate. Bill gets hooked in the basement! EGC timer is active and Nurse is guarding the entrance. Nea and I try baiting Nurse away. No luck. So I made a YOLO call and go for the unhook anyway. I get the unhook but made the trade, so now I'm on hook in basement. I Kobe first try (didn't have Deliverance or any luck boost) as I'm coming up the stairs I see Nurse, managed to time my Dead Hard and get the endurance and run like mad for the gate and escape!

  13. I've been experimenting with discordance but recently I've been finding a lot of people soloing gens with powerful toolboxes and hyperfocus so I find it too inconsistent on her. I'd argue bbq or thrilling tremors are more valuable on her. Discordance is however great if you're going for the condemnation playstyle!

  14. Solid Dredge builds, I have something though for you Otz on your main one you presented. Drop Sloppy Butcher for Make Your Choice.

    Make Your Choice + BBQ on Dredge is terrifying, and Make Your Choice only registers where you were if you are mid-teleport. You can get to the point where if you know a survivor is going for an unhook, you can teleport before they've even started unhooking their friend and pop out of a nearby locker right as they go Exposed. It's a terrifying little tech. I use Jolt, Deadlock, BBQ, and Make Your Choice and just control a whole map due to being able to ping back and forth all over the place.

  15. Wesker has become my new main. I love his power – especially the zoning capabilities of it. It really encourages patience if you dont have that it’ll be hell to play him.

    When he first dropped i used Blood Favor, Undying, and Pentimento w/ either Deadlock or STBFL (depending on how confident i was on my ability to preserve STBFL stacks) though i believe STBFL to be the better perk of the two.
    Side note – otz used the same thing later on in a hag build vid if you wanna see how that works

    Now however i am trying to make a build that focuses more of his power into zoning survivors out w/ his iridescent Lab Photo, but am having a bit of issues w/ figuring it out. I think Coup De Gras or Bamboozle is good w/ it, and i even tried an endgame focused Corrupt, Deadlock, NoEd, No Way Out, but that feels too inconsistent. Heck STBFL could still even work, my trouble is in finding the balance of perk power. Does anyone have any suggestions i could try out?

  16. Hey Otz, maybe not a body double for interdimentional invaders. Would you ever do a killer nuzlock on a fresh account/hardcore killer challenge?
    It'll be interesting to see what you prioritise and the route of killers you take as you get into the later games.


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