Final Thoughts on the Dredge / What I Would Change – Dead by Daylight

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my cat slashed the shit out of my face between my eyes. it hurt.


20 thoughts on “Final Thoughts on the Dredge / What I Would Change – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think having the locks reset after a minute or so would go a long way. There's not really a reason they should be active for the whole match and it'd mean survivors would have to be smarter with what lockers to lock and when.

  2. When you get stunned while you attempt a teleport, your camera breaks and you can no longer move it 🙂

    You have to wait the 8 seconds, then you have to use the power and it works again.

  3. In my opinion the locks are fine out of nightfall. In nightfall i think the dredge should just burst straight out if the locker and break it instantly.

  4. i like this, i also kinda wish his antiloop wasn’t as good as it is, he already has a lot and the fact he gets spirit phase with the purple return to husk addon (but better since he sees the survivor) and his teleport back is INSTANT is so insane

  5. I think if you actually teleport to a locker or teleport to the remnant than you lose bloodlust instead of during the channel, because bloodlust is a mechanic purely to just catch up to a survivor faster, so using an ability that should be teleporting you closer to a survivor already gives you the distance you needed so also having bloodlust to close distance is too much, but if you make it during the channel then dredge will never gain bloodlust unless they actually just braindead hold w towards the survivors. Also I think the locks being ignored during nightfall is a great idea, it makes survivors have to play safer during nightfall because now their safety nets are gone for at least a minute so they have to think about it more.

  6. I don’t have any issues with locks, many games I’ve been only the obscure lockers are left locked while the main ones locks get destroyed by me and when I’m in night fall I rarely find myself inside a locker.

  7. The only thing I find annoying about him to vs is how loud the moans and creepy sounds are during nightfall. I feel like since it takes away so much vision it should instead be nearly completely silent. Apart from that I'm loving playing both as and against him.

  8. Lockers can only be locked once and can very easily be broken. Boons are entirely different, they provide much stronger effects, are harder to remove and can be reapplied indefinitely.

    Dredge (as far as I know) has zero audio cue on it’s teleport, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing you can still see Dredge teleport. But locks actually give survivors an opportunity to respond to the teleport. And since they’re one time use and easily broken, I’d say it’s fine.

  9. Thank you for finally reinforcing what's been bothering me about the killer since Day One. I'm so sick of hearing people espouse the same crap over and over. "aLL YoU HaVe tO Do iS BrEAk ThE LoCk!11!" Completely beside the point, which is that it takes far more time comparatively for a killer to get rid of said locks than it does for survivors to create them.

    On top of that, having to go over to an area where survivors might not be and press M1 to self-stun for 1 second each time is the same exact problem we have with boon totems. Add some sort of cost to locking them for survivors, be it time investment in the form of a channeled action like you mention, or even adding a cooldown. Hell, change one of Dredge's addons to add Exhaustion for 30 seconds when locking them to add a really opportunity cost.

  10. What about giving him like "unrelenting"-esk when hitting lockers, like when swinging and connecting with a locked locker it would remove the penalty of you getting slowed for swinging and remove the need for recovery and you instantly can move again at max speed. So you could invest mid chase to smack a locker and not get penalized for it

  11. I know this is pedantic but it’s so funny how everyone looks at The Dredge and defaults to male-he/him pronouns. Like all the description use “It” pronouns because It’s a creature and a heap of shadows and bones but sure I guess that there’s is a man.

  12. The killer has a 2 parts power and both of them have a strong counterplay (running away and locking the lockers). I havent played dbd in a while, and I'm in favor of the killer having counterplay. However, as Scott said its too easy. The key thing is not to remove counterplay, but merely add a risk/reward to it.

    However, I get the feeling that survivors have a tad bit too much control over the killer's power… They can make you teleport to the locker they want you to? Thats really, really crappy imo, since they dont even need to engage with the killer to counter (part of) its power. Granted his whole power kind of prevents these interactions from ocurring (unless they happen mid chase) but it then creates the problem we have right now, where you get countered off screen without being able to do much about it.

    While I do agree with you in the sense that these changes would be pretty good and the killer feels balanced/fair as it is, this is still something I keep thinking about.

  13. I personally don't think locking lockers should take longer. Because if the dredge guesses right, he gets a free hook for somebody who is either in a locker, or somebody who is entering. It's an automatic free hook, just cause he was there.


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