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13 thoughts on “BEST RINGU BUILD FOR MAX MMR? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Blood Favour, Bamboozle, bbq and corrupt is the way with her; embrace her unpredictability with perks that help her weaknesses in chases.
    Tried it with my SWF friends all 4k hours + and even they said it was the hardest to read match they've ever done (ended with a 3k)

  2. (For Sadako players) try this build with Sadako tell me what you think

    1. Call of brine
    2. Merciless Storm
    3. Eruption (also let me know if POP is a better replacement)
    4. Thanatophobia

    So basically brine and eruption for gen regression. Mostly likely the game will start you’ll get a hit off someone near a gen. I’ve also noticed it’s a bit better to not use teleport and just sneak up on survivor when DeManed when you can especially at the start of the match.

    Anyways after your hit kick the gen you were on and chase said survivor. Along the way you might come across other gens and get some easy hits. Just make sure to take both options if available, but number 1 priority is to down a survivor. This way you now have one hook while whoever was on a gen you kicked can’t finish it and had their location reveal and is possible injured. Even if a person isn’t on one of the gens your trading faster gen regression for the information that a survivor isn’t on it. Thana for slowdown and Merciless Storm goes of sooo much and it is somewhat of a life saver and a info perk.

    I’d use this build with any add-ons but try this one with the Green healing transfers Condemned add-on and the yellow add-on for 12% faster Condemned status for a survivor who has a tape. The only way you need to play is injure everyone. You can slug but if you hook do it next to a tv to continue to build up Condemned when players unhook.

  3. This serves me well: BBQ, Brutal Str., Pop, (whatever her 2x regression is called). Mirror, Telephone. Best map: Lery's. Idea being you tp a ton, kick gens, tp, and Telephone is just really good. Very tough to finish all gens with this, but you have to master her invis manifestation and learn to "crip walk" sideways at people to avoid chase music and spine chill.

  4. I play Sadako with :
    – Call of Brine
    – Pop
    -Sloppy Butcher
    -Nurse's Calling
    Pop and Call are really strong together, you don't need any hex. No matter what happens, you have slowdown.(well you need to down people obviously lol) Sloppy butcher really helps even with boon because a solo survivor heal as fast as self care (32s) so that's good for you. And nurse's is good to ambush someone while they self care near boons.


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