BOON TOTEMS! New Totem Type Coming! | Dead By Daylight

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Hey everyone! Welcome back to another Dead By Daylight video. Today Iโ€™m covering something that was talked about on the 5 year anniversary stream. In the roadmap segment the developers discussed a new totem type thatโ€™ll be coming to the game at some point over the next year called boon totems.

Want to know more? Iโ€™m going over what we know already and speculating what this could mean in the video! Hope you enjoy.

Hope youโ€™re having an amazing day! ๐Ÿ™‚

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13 thoughts on “BOON TOTEMS! New Totem Type Coming! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I like the idea of a new type of perk, but hopefully it won't affect the killer too negatively in a way that they'll have to waste time to track down and disable it. Everything the killer does wastes time in a sense so I'm a bit worried about this being a thing.

  2. If boon totems work exactly like hex totems (essentially map wide effects like NOED/Haunted Ground/etc) they could be amazingly strong for survivors as now the killer is essentially against 5 things (4 survivors + 1 totem (at least)). Maybe a boon totem would be more like an offering where you can make the game spawn a boon totem with a specific effect? It needs to be worth it, but not game-breaking…maybe something like "add 5 seconds of duration to DS" or "add 10 charges to all medkits/toolboxes" or something. It has to be attractive enough to be somewhat worthwhile without completely unbalancing the game.

  3. I swear to God…first they don't do anything about shitty hex totem spawns, then they introduce a hex perk to protect those totems, then they nerf that, then they make more survivor perks to counter hex totems, and now if they add survivor totems that killers cannot destroy…

    Like I hate to be that guy that just complains, but seriously, is it me or are the devs making it even harder to use totems effectively? Like there's no skill in them just randomness and zero control


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