RESPECT! – Dead by Daylight!

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17 thoughts on “RESPECT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. A good explanation of burnout is how you felt when you were playing killer by tunnelling and camping that was not technically burnout but that's the feeling when you over enjoyed something and after doing it too long kinda boring like flexing a muscle but the enjoying part in multiplayer games is they retain stuff longer because new players every game etc but if a game has a striking meta it can get boring

  2. Your quitting killer for a little while was a "burnout", just not a total one. Burnout happens when a majority of what you are doing isn't fun anymore. If the game is fun, there shouldn't be burnout.

  3. A burnout is a very serious problem. As someone who had one, it can actually kill you. A lot of people who get a burnout get heartconditions due to the intense stress they experience. I had to quit working for 2 years.
    I don't feel like you can equate it to being sick of a game or anything. But I get why people use the term for it.

  4. you can't remember pain resonance or whatever tf but we all remember the names of every perk that got its name changed and still call them by those names? no shot.
    I smoke and had terrible memory before that on top of many other things, there's no excuses for being dumb it is what it is.

  5. I did go against a 4 man squad who ATTEMPTED to bully. I was Pig and just so happened to be on The Game. No gen regression or slowdown perks and they did their best to flashlight, hook block, pallet save,doorway block, etc. Ended up performing a mori on all 4. A chill bully squad, but still a bully squad all the same.

  6. Even if a bully squad fails at bullying you and loses, they still are one. What matters is their intent, they go into the game with the intent to bully and fuck with the killer, whether they pull it off is irrelevant.

  7. It’s a lot easier to get burnt out when you’re not getting paid to play a game imo. If I could have that life I’d play any game no matter how shit and/or imbalanced, gladly.


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