BRUTAL Mori Time Deathslinger! – Dead by Daylight | 30 days of Deathslinger – Day 11 & 12

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Today is just a normal Dead by Daylight Mori Filled Adventure that leaves the taste of iron in survivors mouths! Some extra fun Deathslinger Gameplay for 30 days of Deathslinger – Day 11 & 12

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Deathslinger Gameplay!
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10 thoughts on “BRUTAL Mori Time Deathslinger! – Dead by Daylight | 30 days of Deathslinger – Day 11 & 12”

  1. Always nice to see an upload by you before work while I drink my coffee. Totally get you on the Blight comment – used to love Nemesis and got really good but then all the people jumped on the wagon and started tunneling and camping and killed all the fun of playing him. Le sigh.

  2. interesting..
    at the very start of the match, behind the bar ready to serve drinks 4:09
    at the very end of the match, redrum for everyone 13:41
    Killers on their own map are always cool to see even if there are amateurs or bm etc.


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