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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
I can’t take much more of this game man. Constantly sweating can’t even have fun.
Feels like if you haven’t been playing for thousands of hours you just get washed
Yeah, pretty much. I forgot when was the last time I've seen a single survivor not bring meta perks to the game. And because BHVR has a twisted sense of humor, this week on the shrine of secrets decisive is on
the thing I have an issue with about your MMR reasoning is this – the soft cap is so low and the range so wide that even casual players will eventually hit that threshold and be placed with people in this bracket. Will it be every game, of course not, but it will happen. Take MMR away and what happens? You still get placed with the people from this bracket but it won't be every game. SBMM has no place in this game and I will stand by that.
Dbd? Sweaty? Whats new
There seems to get no inbetween of the types of survivors you get.
You either get the survivors who are shit at the game or you get the sweats who are still shit at the game only they know how to exploit the broken mechanics.
MMR is so un fun it seems unfair for players like you, and even me, im good at most games I play I'm top rank In most games I just don't play dbd a whole lot and I'm not very good, although I'm not completely Terrible and it seems every game I'm fighting 4 survivors that are better then me, very few games do I feel like there the same skill as me or worse than me
You keep complaining about difficult survivors while still winning with 1-3 gens left :/
Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not a hater. I watch True's content all the time and agree with him most times. It's just this bit about how sweaty survivors are that I don't believe adds up logically
After 8500 hours in the game, I gave up on every fun, original, meme or inventive killer build I ever had. The only thing that works consistently is generator popping perks. Only add ons make killers interesting or buffed. On the flip side, I need at least 2 anti tunnel survival perks if I want to live in a game more than 3 minutes.
Got 2.1k hours in the game myself, survivor main who plays solo and plays for fun. The game is definitely getting a lot sweatier. A lot more aggressive play styles and strangely rarely ever see killers who interact with the survivors and have fun or gift the hatch (which I don't expect, but it used to happen in every other game).
idk why but its been like 1 week, the game are mega sweaty, when i play survivor in soloQ there is always someone tunneled out even in low MMR (I don't really try to play sweaty to get in high MMR), and when I play killer without gen regression its the most painfull experience, 3 gen pop just for the early game…
average identity v match where the survs have a way better idea of how to play the game than dbd survs + you hope to christ you get that claire who can be downed quick
14:32 '5 gen chase' | '5 cipher kite', lot of the same parallels due to being a spinoff game
To be frank though.. Renato and the nea were the only real good players..
This rebecca and claire were shit imagine going against 1 other nea and another Renato lmaooo it would’ve been a 4 m’en escape
Nea was good and Renato was decent, they other two were terrible, one of them straight up sprint bursted into a dead zone edge map and double back into a dead zone get two tapped, they other made it very difficult for renato to bodyblock for them, to quote you, might aswell be comp plz, stop beating around the bush and actually put yourself to the test you’ll quickly see a difference between “high mmr pubs” and comp players.
Complains that they’re playing comp and sweating whilst 4k at 2 gens. You’re just going against your own skill. That’s not a bad thing.
Goddamn the mindgames at 12:19. i definitely bend the knee to that tru3talent wisdom
Dude i couldnt agree more. Im just here trying to do my dailies and/or tomes challenges and my god i have never sweated so hard during my matches.
Almost made playing any matches not worth it.
i have never been so sweaty in my life for that 4k or even a 2k.
what the hell is going on lately?
Haven't played since ptr announcement. Been enjoying games again c:
In my own opinion if you don’t play meta or strong killers with meta perks you are gonna have a bad game. Me I just play to play I main trickster and run Aura perks and i don’t care win or lose. If I really want a 4k I’ll sweat and play scummy otherwise I play to play
You give yourself too many props, surely you know at this point this game wasn’t that hard. Massive empty areas for Wraith to zoom through, plenty of weak links, just stop hyping up the most average plays.
Don’t even acknowledge how strong your own build is compared to there’s, see through walls add on, ridiculous speed, all while no gens get done. Trust me, if it were high MMR you wouldn’t have them all running back to the same gen 😂 there’s five others to touch.
This is literally an average match for anybody half decent in the community, you will know comp when you see it, you perform an amazing play and you’re still up against it, you manage to stop a gen being done and two more seemingly out of nowhere get done. That is top level, these guys folded instantly after that third gen got completed, they showed nothing else.
Just because Nea didn’t fall into your arms and gave a good chase doesn’t mean that’s comp level, you should know this honestly. You lost two gens because she won the situation, this is literally normal for most guys who have above 2k hours playing, it’s not a special situation that only happens to you.
2:15 is like these scourge hooks completes gens
a lot of people return to dbd because of ds buff now all games are sweat
True said 'option select' in the Nea chase – does he play fighting games?
Keep playing well as killer and you get "rewarded" going vs more and more unwinable swfs where the game isn't balanced at all and people think pressing m1 on a gen on coms makes them good. What a joke xD
True when he has to try to win:😢😢. True when it’s too ez:😴😴😴
I remember playing a few years ago on xbox and getting hate mail whenever i would do good, or bad, as killer. So as far as the imbalance goes, i see it more as a social construct than to actually create a healthy casual or competitive dynamic.
Good video as always, keep it up. Will enjoy even if you decide to play something else to give yourself a break.