DBD's most infuriating mechanic

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Dead by Daylight’s balance hinges heavily on generator speed. This video breaks down my findings on surprise skillchecks which have a pretty significant impact on the game. And unlike Killer or map-specific issues, these surprise skillchecks can happen in any match.

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36 thoughts on “DBD's most infuriating mechanic”

  1. I remember a dev also commented that skill checks were programmed to have increased chance at "surprise" moments as well, such as an approaching killer, someone being downed nearby, etc.

  2. Ok so hear me out, although the game would be smoother if this wasn't a thing, it needs to stay a thing. There is not a lot to playing survivor it's very simple, the joy comes from the chaos. The issue is that once you get very good at the game the chances of the killer being able to induce chaos get smaller and smaller.

    Would it be more fair if I got to hit my skil check after running away from the gen billy is charging at? Sure. It's a lot more fun to have it explode in your face though. Unless all you care about is winning but again with a game so simple those victories start to feel pretty cheap if the games you're playing aren't memorable

  3. This is why I run boneclapper over silent bell, ringing it periodically forces survivors to choose between risking a gen grab, or missing a random skillcheck.

    It's a bit of a lose-lose scenario which isnt much fun for surv, but as a wraith main you take what you can get.

    (Also silent bell doesn't mask your snarl, boneclapper also tends to relax survivors concentration through desensitization, offering the benefit of silent bell without the drawbacks

  4. There is clearly a delay between the game deciding a skill check is starting and the audio/visual cue, reduce this delay and you reduce this issue.

  5. Since this was your stream title I got more concious about it. Especially in soloq "Should i go unhook? nah its probably gonna pop a skillcheck… 7%… he probably has DMS too i better just sit… oh god killer is coming, COMMIT COMMIT TO THE GEN COMMIT!!"

  6. I think that having a different way to complete gens would be interesting like if you are on one side you have to sort the leavers and the other the valves, like what we see is going on in the animation

  7. The fix is extremely easy. They already have the code with Overcharge. Let survivors finish the skill check after getting up. The answer is right there plain as day, but the devs are too fucking lazy.

  8. If you leave the generator and you lose progress to a random unreactable skill check, the killer should have to repair the generator for 12 seconds to make up for the lost time

  9. Don't let skill checks follow, please for the love of god. That mechanic already fucks over the perk Overcharge and let's people tap the gen and do the skill check while they are like 10 meters away from the gen. Also you act like the killer pushing a survivor off a gen shouldn't shouldn't have a small chance for that reward, sure the skill check when you randomly leave may seem bad but how often do you need to randomly leave THAT VERY MOMENT. Most of the time you are fine to wait a few moments for a skill check before hopping off the gen. So that 6.5% chance to get that random skill check when hopping off a generator (which is already a pretty low chance) is even lower considering the amount of times you actually HAVE to randomly get off the generator.

  10. It's more infuriating when people try to 4% and fail killing then themselves on hook as a soft rage quit or, even more infuriating, when you are playing killer and the 4%actually works and an entire game get turned upside down.

  11. There is also a high chance of receiving a skillcheck when a loud noise happens (ex: someone gets hooked).

    Unrelated: Skillchecks while you yell during Infectious Fright proc are the most annoying of all.

  12. I don't think this is really a problem for me atleast. I think i have never exploded a gen if i have left the gen right after completing a skill check. Game wont put 2 skillchecks right after another. There is a little delay so you can get off generator safely.

    I understand that this strategy takes off some time efficiency in many situations and sometimes you get suprised by killer, but in this situation i think killer might even deserve the extra suprise value.

    Anyway this is a strategy i use while playing survivor and it works really well.

  13. I don't think it's a huge problem. More like a bonus for the Killer being able to push off a generator. It's a little punishing for the survivor, but I think if it was taken out they'd have to compensate in other ways that would make the game less enjoyable, like 11+% gen reduction on failed skill checks, or even slower generator repair speeds.

  14. Easy fix.
    If you let go of a generator before the red line reaches the button press timing there is no penalty.

    now i know that leaves room to abuse for just… not doing skill checks. so to fix that.

    if you were to get back onto the generator before x amount of time after skipping a skill check. it would go into you needing to hit a great skill check instead.

    not too punishing. could be abused by the pro's, but everything is abuseable by the pros, this is for the common person. and they aren't hitting great skill checks all the time.

  15. Since when in the world should it be considered as "need to be fixed"? Like catching survivors is not a pain in the ass for most killers in the game and gens don't pop in 3 minutes of game time. In my oppinion it is essential part of the base game. Probably should start shrinking gigantic maps to start with so that the weakest killers would be played more, probably should do something about meta perks and S tier killers just so that they aren't 90% of pickrate.
    If you want to give it a thought, remove all perks and items from the game and start redifining what's wrong from there. The game itself pretty balanced without 'em. (but killers tier list difference is still a pain in the ass)
    When I play survivor I wanna be scared and SURVIVE, not like taking a walk in the lovely neighborhood.(?) I think it should feel like u've just been through some shit and thank god it's in the game.

  16. what about this, the first 10% of the skillcheck does not trigger an explosion, however if you let go in the first 10% of the skillcheck the gen is unusable for you for 3 seconds or more (blancing is not my strength). That would made that if you need to let go, to run away or to help a team mate, you can do so without getting unfairly punished and you cant just avoid every skillcheck because of the 3 seconds delay every time.

    That would be my idea

  17. Widen the gap between the skill check notification sound playing, and when the skill check actually begins, to allow survivors a chance to leave the generator before the skill check occurs. If the survivor leaves, the skill check is "stocked" and will trigger as soon as they return. However, leaving a generator before a stocked skill check begins does NOT stop the skill check. This stops survivors gen-tapping to avoid skill checks.

  18. Skillchecks following you when you let go might actually be a good one. The only problem is the rare occasion where you want to drop a pallet, vault a window or jump into a locker right after you let go.

    We could either make spacebar not do anything for those interactions until the skillcheck is done, or we could let the player do both at once, which could result in unintentional locker jumps and pallet drops.


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