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In this video I showcase a fun Generator control build and also provide you gameplay with it. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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does plague not get stunned out her power by head on? only pallet stuns?
Another scary and spooky upload from Papa Negoose!
Oh man, this build is actual agony as a survivor. I'm just being honest man you might as well not do gens at all lol.
And the over confident useless head-on survivor died from 1 hook…. Karma…. As a survivor main i just looove seeing the cocky killer chaser go down 1 hook death….. birthday party 🍕🍰🥤
Always love watching your videos ❤️
Little tip: at 2:26 you’re kicking a gen but eruptions cooldown only has a second or so left of the cooldown. I would’ve waited so that that gen has eruption on it.
Noice match negoose, I love the part where vommy mommy spreaded so much filth and disease 🤣
Which got me wondering if plague met the doctor would doctor try to cure her? Or would she get doctor sick?
Call of brine is nasty on her
omfg its not skourge its sc-urge