Dead by Daylight Perks are getting a MASSIVE OVERHAUL

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Dead by Daylight Perks are getting a MASSIVE OVERHAUL


49 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Perks are getting a MASSIVE OVERHAUL”

  1. I imagine BT is getting changed to deactivate if you touch a gen or heal someone else, i've had too many times where someone unhooked goes back on a gen, i hit them but the endure is still on and complete it on my face or heal someone else with a medkit and still tank the hit

  2. Also Demo is a setup killer too, these chances I am hype for but I am scared how everyone would reaction after. I hope this doesn't kill DBD, I love this game so much!

  3. Bro i feel like this is going to kill the game, it feels like they're going to nerf killer without doing anything to survivor, gen rushing is really getting out of hand

  4. It scares me that literally every single gen regression perk is up there. I don't use a ton of them depending on the killer, but some killers rely on them…

  5. Dbd going on it’s 7th year is literally in the top ten for games played in the last 30 days.
    The furthest thing from dying. Changes here and there with event cosmetics to grind for with extra BP bump the numbers but top 10 is nothing to scoff at.

  6. You make the argument that if they fuck up it could kill the game. If they deleted all the Mets perks straight up, I’d play way more than I do. Dead hard and noed straight up make me not like playing the game.

  7. Regarding Iron Will,
    as a killer main you never realize how much people running Iron Will might have gotten away with.
    As survivor it's my favourite perk but I don't think it's overpowered. I will miss it.

  8. “If BHVR screws this up it will kill the game”

    I don’t think so, if they mess it up so bad that the community backlashes that severe, we will all get a billion blood points and they’ll fix it fast. I know BHVR isn’t known for being fast but every time their entire game was at risk they’ve sped up fixing

    (In no way is this comment meant to be aggressive or malicious I just have my own thoughts, great points brought up in the vid Coco)

  9. I’ll say I’m very excited but also concerned, on one hand I want to see how all of the perks will work now and any base game changes that they do in return. I play both killer and survivor a lot but arguably more killer. As much as I love to have dh I can admit it saves my ass for stupid decisions way too much. But overall I’m excited to see things. I do very much worry about the gen regression perks being reworked. Because I’ll say in my mmr it’s almost impossible to play without at least one if not two or three gen regression perks. Maybe even a full build. I play artist, and if you know the characters strengths and weaknesses then you know she’s not one to snuff at. It’s not nurse or blight but it’s still a killer up there in strength. Usually I 4K a team or at least 3k. But that doesn’t come without a lot of luck and having to make split second decisions. But on the games I only get a 1k or no kills at all is from full swfs or really coordinated teams. I had a team that ran two PTS (prove thy self) resilience, the yun Jin perk that gets tokens (I think fast track), with some other perks. And they all had massive gen tool boxes with brand new parts. I only got 1k from that match which I was proud of because if was extremely hard to play against them. I couldn’t commit to a chase at all without a gen literally getting done. I had gens that legit would prock tinkers 5 seconds after I left them and he done by the time I turned around. This is not to say I expect 4ks every game, or that awww boo hoo i went against a gen team. Not at all. As much as it can be stressful at high mmr and really make things difficult, I don’t mind it. I love playing killer just as I love playing survivor. Granted one I can chill more on. I just really worry about having more matches like those where I literally can’t do anything or I’m really stressing to manage anything. But hey, here’s hoping these perk changes are for the best. I’m going to be optimistic.

    TL:DR, I play both sides, but mostly killer. I hope gen regression perks aren’t made completely useless and matches aren’t as stressful at high mmr.

  10. Coco I love you but “survivors making no sound to the point chase music doesn’t even let you hear their footsteps” not being broken but “7% haste when the game is basically over already“ is insane, is a bit ridiculous

  11. I think that a form of ruin should be base kit. After 20 seconds of a generator not being touched it begins to slowly regress. So survivors can’t 99 gens super often

  12. I hope they make SH gift of pain viable it’s just outclassed in applying haemorrhage and mangled by sloppy as a slowdown pain resonance is better and only 10% after they heal is just not good enough and the requirements for it are too much. I also hope they give a base kit slowdown to killer if they’re reworking all these slowdown perks

  13. Finally. Camping and tunneling already a problem from the beginning, I don't understand why it take them this long to realize. It's an easily fixed problem with BT and DS as a basekit perk.

  14. I don't understand the purpose behind reworking all of these perks. Honestly 😆 especially the Survivor perks. Like I get it on the occasion you're going against a sweaty Survivor squad that are all communicating but I am literally always in solo que and my best matches are barely great. Solo que is about to suuuuuuuck 😆


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