Dead by Daylight Year 8: The Retrospective

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On the eve of the anniversary livestream, it’s time to look back at the past year of Dead by Daylight. The soaring highs, the crushing lows and the sheer, puzzling WTF moments. Let’s sit around the campfire together and talk about Dead by Daylight Year 8.

00:00 Introduction
02:03 The 3 Big Ws
07:54 Painful Perks
13:45 The Survivor Experience (And Perk Diversity)
24:44 Two Amazing Licenses
27:51 3 Great Killers (And Chucky)
34:00 Killer Maintenance and Reworks
47:10 Can’t Get No Satisfaction
57:20 The Robot That’s Almost Fun
1:01:19 My Favourite Thing This Year
1:07:58 Signing Off

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41 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Year 8: The Retrospective”

  1. I would argue that Unforeseen should be included in the standout killer perks of the year. It's basically a better Trail of Torment because it can simultaneously scare survivors away from the gen you've planted your terror radius onto and help you sneak up on other survivors. I can't count how many downs I've gotten with it because it's concealed my approach by tricking survivors into thinking I'm somewhere else.

  2. My biggest gripe with STBFL nerf is that it seemingly screwed over certain killers more than others. For example Nemesis' initial infection looses you stacks on obsession for some reason despite not injuring them? You also have Trickster and Slinger who simply loose all stacks by daring to interact with obsession. I genuinely don't get how these interactions were deemed "intended interactions" when people were reporting them as bugs.
    I don't even mind the nerf honestly, I just find it bullshit how inconsistent it is. Why is it "fair" that certain killers loose stacks without dealing damage to the obsession?

  3. I was so excited when you actually agreed to lend me the mic on this video, I got the opportunity to say everything I had on my mind (minus the fluff of stuff like addons) and hopefully restart the conversation on Trickster a bit in hopes he'll get changed into something that's more similar to his original design. Great video on the whole and I'm happy to be a (larger than you might expect*) part of it !!! 🤵🤵

  4. 1:01:02 When you were talking how the killers recently have not been your thing, I was thinking the whole time, “ Adriana Imai, Hello?” I got really excited at 1:01:14 when I realized you were gonna finally talk about her. Also I was hoping you would and got excited when you showed the clip at 1:05:32 from your SM guide, I love that clip cause it’s funny and because I love your laugh. 1:01:20 Epic SM montage btw<3

  5. To be fair, I've got the feeling that Sable isn't from the same "universe" as the Mikaela we have was. We know the Entity can bring people from alternate places via licensed chapters or even skins, so I wouldn't be surprised that it would be the case, explaining why Sable's friendship with Mikaela was important to her, while for Mikaela… Well, why there was no trace of her before she came to the Fog.

  6. Surprised that there also wasn’t a shout out to the art department. The skins this year have been some of the best in the game’s history and a lot of the licensensed survivors and killers look exactly like their movie/in-game/real world counterparts

  7. Chucky player here, while yeah removing the 180 degree flick was a bad play from the devs, his dash is still good because of his 3rd person view to maneuver spot to catch survivors off guard. With the upcoming update they can at least buff his slice and dice scamper to be more skillful and more useful along with bringing back his 180 flick

  8. Pixel’s real villain era was revealing he was a stax player. 🤣 For real, wonderful video, and I always appreciate your uploads, even when I don’t always agree. You do a great job explaining your opinion, and beyond the base level of, “I like this, don’t like that,” which naturally can’t be argued, I have always been able to at least see where you’re coming from.

  9. Hux, is single handedly my favorite killer in dead by daylight. and i personally love the way he is played currently, i undertsnad your criticisms, and feelings, but i wouldnt change the killer for anything else myself

  10. I was the random in a 3man SWF today. They DCed as soon as they heard her (Skullmerchant) terror radius. Me and her had a farming round and I wished them some better matches.

    I hate Skully, but she's not that bad. I'd rather face her than Clown.

    I main Wesker and Artist btw :p
    (and Alan Wake I love Alan Wake aaaaaaaaaa)

  11. I super disagree man with the chuckster. Oh man he's amazing. He's fun to play against and with. Everything from his ability and chase design his perks, the voice lines and Tiffany. What a great killer!!!!

  12. I agree that manual scamper is stupid and chucky’s flicks should be brought back, but there is absolutely no way he is a worse design than Knight or Skull Merchant. You are completely over exaggerating Chucky’s design problems. It’s okay for killers to have high lethality in chase, dry scamper at short loops into slice into dice or M1 is silly for sure but it’s absolutely no way on the level of old Legion

  13. Something personally I would love Year 9 to do is to add voice lines to the OC Survivors (Meg, Dwight, Feng, etc.) so we can expand on their personality and make the gameplay feel more immersive, it's why I adore playing as Alan Wake, it adds life to the survivor experience instead of gen noises and screams.

  14. I fully believe the survivors should have novels. This way we can humanize the survivors while also adding lore. And the lack of killer novels would help add the horror because of the fear of the unknown

  15. One of the things I'm still sad about is that Dissolution is still bugged, it's my favorite killer perk in the game and it still doesn't work off of a lot of special attacks like merchant claw trap and I rly miss using it 🙁
    I barely have any other perks as well so my options are rly limited to just most of the slowdown perks and I'm bored of those but most of my other killer perks just don't scratch the itch dissolution did

  16. Chucky is definitely not the worst designed… I think thats an exaggeration. And its a little weird you would say that when you are the #1 skull merchant defender lol..
    (coming from an ex skull merchant enjoyer…..)

  17. Given the fact that I've only read slinger's tome this year, and oni, artist, and ESPECIALLY zarina have some of my favorite lore in the game, the section where you talked about the tomes had me gasping and covering my screen so as not to spoil the cutscenes. Even feng's has me excited! I have so much catching up to do…

  18. Hey, I did watch your skull Marchant guild video. Played her for a few days, i just cant grasp the chase aspect of her, i did understand and use the map knowledge quite a bit tho, but most games devolved into a trap playstile where i would have yo drop her power at every loop. And even playing against her and knowing the counterplay doesnt make her fun to me. But i do respect how you would enjoy playing her. Hell, i enjoy pinhead, (not as much going agaisnt him) but i do enjoy him when most in the community dont like him.

  19. Chucky being like that honestly makes me super sad, cause he is genuinely my favorite licensed character. I adore the chuck franchise, and it makes me sad that he's so hated, and it's entirely fair

  20. I say with love for Hux because he really is a favourite killer of mine, but I feel like the design ethos for new killers is really often pick two; Map traversal, short to mid range attack, and a status effect for survivors (mastermind, nemesis, alien). If daring, pick three and make Unknown. If lazy, pick one and make Chucky. I would like to see Dbd expand beyond that space, though I get that it can be hard to find new ways to put survivors on hooks.

    Love the set for this vid!


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