Did Alien RETIRE Demogorgon? – Dead by Daylight

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In this Dead by Daylight video we discus whether or not the Xenomorph from the new Alien chapter in DBD will power creep Demogorgon from Stranger Things due to the similarities in their kits.

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23 thoughts on “Did Alien RETIRE Demogorgon? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hello, P100 Demo Main here.

    If we're talking bringing Demo up to par with other Killers, the main focus needs to be Portals, 100%.

    Shred isn't bad or even outdated, just out of meta. It relies a lot on last second hits on corners or vaults. With a movespeed meta, and New Vault, Shred isn't nearly as reliable as being able to hit OVER pallets or windows.

    Shred is good, just out of meta. Portals are plain bad.

    Couple suggestions
    • Reduce Animation Time
    • Reduce Cooldown
    • Remove Mapwide Noise
    • Silence Footsteps
    • Add Basekit Recycling
    • Add KI on Exit.

    Demo is the only Killer where if you're interacting with an object they teleport to, you don't get hit.

    The entire time you spend teleporting, there's an animation playing of Demo leaving the Portal. You are still seeing the black void, meanwhile the Survivors at the exit can very clearly see you teleporting there.

    Cooldown on the Portals are also very rough. Even though they're tedious to set up, they don't actually work very efficiently as a transportation system. Often times you're better off just walking.

    Mapwide noise and footstep noise is another huge issue. In my several years maining this Killer I have gotten about 1 Gen Grab a year (Literally.)

    Only way to sneak attack with Demo is long-distance Shreds and dropping from a higher floor. Both are still unreliable because of mapwide noise.

    Basekit Recycling feels like something that Portals absolutely should have had by now as well. 5 Tokens, if you misplace one Portal you may as well not have it anymore.

    He is the only killer that requires SURVIVORS to give him back his tokens. Only way around is Rotten Pumpkin, an addon.

    KI on exit would be nice as well. Demo can be very disorienting upon leaving a Portal, and Survivors nearby don't have a hard time just hiding while you emerge.

    I don't think Xeno will kill Demo off. There are still mains, and the massive dropoff this chapter is moreso related to Demo's tragic deathspiral that we've been stuck on for the past 2 years now.

  2. That nerf to Leprose may just make stop maining Demo, running it with Lethal to keep tabs on everyone and choose the next target without wasting time aimlessly wandering is half of the fun. Even better when the last survivor is looking for the hatch/exit or hiding in 1 corner of the map.

    It can also be a better BBQ, hook someone, put 2 portals down next to each other, slide through them and I know where the others are, they hear the global sound and assume I’m teleporting away so run closer for the save, only for me to intercept them halfway from a sneaky angle.

    Having to throw my Demo’s playstyle out of the window and seeing Xeno’s fun tunnels and equally monstrous visuals, seems poor Demo’s going to retirement, I wonder if he’ll become rarer than the Twins?

    Another little note is that Coup De Grace’s longer lunge seems to travel the exact same distance of Demo’s Shred, which makes a good combo tbh, faster straight line shred, or slightly slower around a corner Coup lunge

  3. Demo needs at least half or most of his portals pre placed, the portals need to have longer time to get rid of, you should be able to see the auras of people somewhat close to your portals base kit, and get rid of noise demo makes when traveling through portal and only make sound be heard when he leaves a portal when your close enough to the portal

  4. I feel like they both are equally as good cause of the balancing aspect of both killers, but I have to give the crown to demo cause of the nostalgia and I’ve been a demo main since the chapter came out

  5. Comparing Demo and Xeno's "teleports" is like comparing Spirit and Nurse's. Like yeah, they both vanish from one place and reappear in another, but the difference in HOW they do it is huge.

  6. I disagree about the STBFL part. Ignoring the turret to go for an M1 is way worse than just breaking the turret and keeping runner mode. Good survivors won't let you get the M1

  7. Demo didn't fall victim to power-creep.
    He fell victim to his DBD licence being finished.
    It's only normal that everybody can have access to all killers.
    For people who bought Demo, well you get to still enjoy a unique killer.
    For the others, now you're not missing out by not having bought Demo when he was aviable.

  8. You mentioned that demo mains might have alotta grievances with this video because theyll know how maximize value and use every trick demo has to their advantage, but this video is meant to be more based on the average player, so I'll give you points there and i won't begin listing other advantages demo has that you missed.

    Buuuut, there is a bit of a contradiction with that statement and what you said about stbfl. You called stbfl the only thing that keeps demo relevant at high mmr. But the thing is, most demos at high mmr know how to squeeze more value out of his power anyways, stbfl isnt even that big of a deal for him at high mmr.

    But I totally get the concern for stbfl meta on demo vs alien at OTHER mmrs. irony is, the solution is something typically seen from high mmr demo players. One of the most powerful and meta addons demo has is the brown addon black heart. for those that dont know, black heart decreases successful shred attack cooldown by 15%, equivalent to 3 stacks stbfl at all times. at high mmr, most demos will use this addon and rely on their shred during chase anyways. At low mmr, where shred is less often used, this addon feels like a waste of an addon slot. if we made the addon basekit however, it would make shred feel even more rewarding for less skilled players and make stbfl reasonably less relevant. at high mmr, it would simply free up an addon slot. alongside some buffs to his portals already mentioned in a pinned comment, i think making black heart basekit would solve alot of stbfl related demo problems

  9. STBFL isn't carrying Demo at all. In fact it's making him worse because people go for M1s instead of M2s and don't know how to use shred properly at all and won't get good at Demo ever. Shredding saves a lot more time (especially with black heart) making STBFL a bad pick in general. Same thing with Xeno. You have a attack to hit over things why would you force yourself to M1 because of STBFL when you can get downs earlier by using your power and instead running a different perk. Demo, Xeno, Wesker, Nemesis, Pyramidhead are killers you shouldn't run STBFL on and instead should focus on using your power, improving with it. It's one of the reasons you never see good Demos. You can go ask good players and they'll most likely confirm it's bad on Demo.

    For changes: Shred is fine all they need to do is just fix crouch tech on survivor side.
    And portals need some good changes:
    Faster setting speed, Remove sound q, Make Demo silent in undetect, portal addons and possibly few other things.

    It's sad how many people fell into the STBFL trap believing his great with it and will never use him to his best potential. I'd recommend dropping it, going for shreds and see for yourself.
    That's all from me I guess…

  10. I mean if you think about it minus the comparison you can get the Xenomorph you can't get the Demogorgon. The Demogorgon was a one-time thing and you can no longer get it as the Xenomorph is a character that's going to be staying for a long time

  11. The fact that you believe that demo NEEDS STBFL to be viable shows quite plainly that you don't know what a good demo can do.
    It's one of these myths that is as stubborn as it is stupid. ANY demo main that is actually good will tell you that stbfl sucks ass on him and is a newbie trap. It's easier to get value out of than actually learning demo's power, but good survivors will not give you M1s in the first place.

    On the topic of xeno, I do think she's stronger, but also much less fair/fun to play vs. People will hate the tail attack in no time. More so than Nemesis' tentacle.

  12. I think a large majority of the community’s feelings between these two is that demos power could totally be what the xenomorph currently has.
    But due to not owning the Netflix lisence a total demo overhaul will not happen.
    If they were though I’d want the ability to kidnap survivors and pull them into the upside down. An alternative map that survivors can still complete objectives on but where the demogorgon receives more power.

    Now though bhvr has shown us the ability to create a form of sub-map.
    Now gives us the alternative map!


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