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The Dredge has emerged in Dead by Daylight and is ready to make every locker on the map unsafe for survivors. With ability to teleport and go undetectable during its nightfall ability, The Dredge is fast paced and unpredictable in chases. Lets try to use all its abilities and see what the newest killer in DBD can do.

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Background Music:
by i$mael jam

#dbd #dredge


42 thoughts on “DREDGE BY DAYLIGHT”

  1. This is actually a bully killer if you know what you're doing, I wish it wasn't so grotesque looking, cause I would have picked this thing up vs bully Survivors. But I'm not playing the game for a while anyways

  2. i dont like what they have done with this new killer. reminds me too much of the newer league of legends champs back when i still played.
    three powers is too much imo, especially when his little worm head is harder to blind during his animations, like being pallet stunned.
    it doesnt matter if his winrate is low enough, convoluted characters make any game worse.

  3. So maybe his Mori just SEEMS like it takes a long time, but it takes 16 seconds from start to end. Is that longer than the average Mori or do the others just seem faster? I'm honestly not sure either way as I've never timed them before, just curious!

  4. Hey I’m just curious and I don’t expect you to know but did you face a Zarina on Dead Dawg Saloon today? She had the black skirt and long green shirt with the bun and glasses.

  5. I love this killer so far !! I think the one complaint I have is how the morí has gotten darker since the ptb, it’s a little hard to see, I get why it’s darker but I wish it was just a little less dark so I could see it better

  6. "I dont wanna tunnel her, that feels bad…" I hate watching videos where the killer acts like playing the damn game is some how wrong. Just freaking hook them and go, its a videogame stop acting like if you hook/tunnel someone that a dark cloud will manifest over your house, jeez man its not that serious. Just take the damn hooks/downs if they are there.


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