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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Honestly I find them less annoying than flashlights. I like flashbangs. Even the timing is fun as a survivor
background player is hella unhealthy imo for one reason . it takes away the killers ability to fake a pickup they know as long as their perk is not active you are faking a pickup is its kinda busted
I really wish they would just give us solo q players super tuned AI killer bots. It’s nauseating listening to the Killer/SWF community bitch about every single thing.
AGREED lol I just uploaded a vid going against such a force. Lightborn isn't enough nor worth it. Useless if they don't bring any flashers
I always hear lightborn is a waste of a perk slot but I just can’t see how a perk that saves tons of time and waste the survivors time while also making the item they brought useless is bad.
I always run lightborn. The immunity is cool, but the aura reading you get is insane. I also run lethal pursuer. With flashbangs, blast mines, and flashlights everywhere I get a lot of value
They need to buff hex two can play now because then we all can have fun. XD omg make it affect survivors in 32m radius and last killer blind/stun long.
I am not here for balance only for fun and nothing more fun then knowing some random gen doer gets a screen full of #000000 while the killer is being traumatized by flashbang.
Blast Mine and Chemical Traps should be removable, it's annoying to watch a blast mine be placed in front of me and I can't avoid it. Maybe M1 hitting a generator or pallet will remove these items?
they got one flashbang save and he made a whole ass video saying they need counterplay 💀
Pls nerf flashbangs so the survivors i play with dont bother to use them when they cant pull them off 99% of the time anyways.
Freddys` perk Fired Up can counter it, just by looking up quicker
I always check the corner to my immediate vicinity, it is always a free hit due to how close you have to be with the flashbang.
The killer would has to be partially lazy take any preemptive measures against it, right?
I say it's actually unfair if it's timed right (which was made easier) you just have to take it when picking someone up. At least flashlights you can try to avoid.
For how hard the chains are to hit they are not rewarding enough
I have said this with Hearthstone and I will say it again here! Counter play is being able to adapt to things your opponent does as it happens. Things like flashbangs that are powerful that force you to take things like lightborn into the game does not create counter play, it creates new metas. If you are forced to play with certain cards, certain perks, and certain items that are chosen before the game starts, then that is not countering anything. That is giving you a chance to win BEFORE the game starts, thus meta, not counter.
just try to fake pick up
but there is counterplay…you just bait the pick up and look around for survivors waiting to flashbang. stop being lazy and crying for a change that isn’t needed
Light born is a hard counter, once I wasted so much time following my teammate for the flashbang save only to waste so much time because light born
Just make flash bangs challenging again
Off topic idea what if they removed bloodlust as a mechanic (change the corresponding perks) and enhanced the killers powers to be better at chase or have certain effects after downing survivors or make some addons basekit like the iredescent lament config or better yet a new mechanic to encourage interaction between killer and survivor like for pinhead he can attempt to take the survivor with the box and a teammate has to disrupt it
While yes there's no real counterplay to stop them from getting one, there is a perk we all know that makes it and all blinds useless. I'm less inclined to care about counterplay when one single perk makes it useless, plus it takes skill to use. There are far more annoying things than that in my opinion. People only care if they go against skilled survivors with them else nobody really conplains about bangers
My last match was on DDS against a SWF that abused the side by side locker, head-on, flashbang, DS build. I will not be returning to the game until that is nerfed
I’m a Demo main and it just so happens Demo’s have no eyes so I always run Lightborn.
I wish we could just move our camera mid pick up so we can look away.
True you complain to much, you win 99% of your games, killers have literally all the perks you need to counter these survivors. As a person who plays high ranked games you should already know what perks to run, flashbangs better not get nerfed cause that would be terrible