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Great thanks to Ubisoft for giving me Early Access to the event. I have made this video with fun facts and trivia showing references between the 2 games. I hope you enjoy.
Main Menu Music: 0:00
Trapper Illustrious Outfit: 3:00
Huntress Illustrious Outfit: 3:16
Trapper Execution: 3:30
Huntress Execution: 3:55
Hatch Escape Signature: 4:20
Minions Masks: 4:28
Ansel Overview Of Cinder Mill DbD Event: 4:41
Survivor Of The Fog Map Intro: 6:00
Map Specific Fun Facts: 6:12
Trapper Fun Facts 7:16
Would have been cool If they changed the music of the instruments gestures to the DBD Main music for the time of the event
Anyone else notice that the hook on the trapper execution seems to be facing the wrong way
Is this map going to be in dead by daylight ?
Can you flip Trapper into lava as bp or lawdaddy?
Was there any event weapons or so for this time around?
Biggest letdown to me is how there is nothing Oni related at all, despite Shugoki and Oni having been the closest connection the two games had appearance wise. Well I guess we got the minion appearance but that’s quite a small thing.
They even added the hooking glitch wow very on point👍
I just wish they'd have given us an execution where you just slam someone on a hook with no extra stuff. Just pick em up and hook them. Would be cool if they stayed on it on the map until they responded as well. Nonetheless a cool cross over. I wish they would have finally given us a green purple and black color to get our heroes into character for Halloween lol.
Trapper in For honor: Beats greatest warriors
Trapper in DbD: Gets bullied by a group of teenagers
Missed oppurtunity to match the menu music to your faction. Knights would be normal dbd theme, samurai survivors and vikings killer theme
9:20 lmao the way the bot just stands there staring