Game modes Dead by Daylight NEEDS

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In a recent enough survey, BHVR asked a few questions about adding additional game modes to DBD. I made this video to show what game modes I’d like to see in DBD, Hope you enjoy 🙂


00:00 – Intro
00:25 – How I’d implement new Game Modes
01:26 – The Game Modes
04:41 – Outro

#deadbydaylightsurvivor #dbd #concept #animation #prophunt #gaming


24 thoughts on “Game modes Dead by Daylight NEEDS”

  1. since they got zombie ai , i always felt like silly zombie mode would be funny for survivors , trying to escape while more of them spawn , and maybe they could implement a specific item for destroying zombies just for that mode

  2. I would love a Sandbox Mode where killer's and survivors can join this huge open world map and just do random stuff and have fun. Maybe also use it as a testing ground for new items or mechanics that doesn't need a full PTB

  3. 2v8 seems like a fun idea until you face a plague and twins together. or a plague and spirit. or a hag and a trapper being able to lock down and camp the whole map. there is just too many broken and unfun killer combinations to make it viable imo

  4. Game mode, where killer and survivor switch sides on timer, like 25% to become a killer, and by the end of set amount of time, winner is decided by their respective bp count, earned during a match, like pro DBD, but on timer.

  5. 5vs5 deserves to be added. two teams of one killer and four survivors compete to a) who kills most/all of the survivors faster b) which team escapes faster and with more survivors than the other team.
    Example 2 survivors escaped from team A in 15 minutes but in team B only 1 managed to escape by hatch withing 9 minutes meaning team A would score more points.
    Winning condition is for both survivors and the killer to have more points than the other team, if let's say team A has gained more points from killer but less from survivors than enemy team and team B the opposite, the match would end up in a tie since both of the teams didn't manage to score more points overall than the other team

  6. I was thinking of a gamemode, where the survivors would not repair gens, but instead fill up liquid containers with gas.

    -Gas cans would be scattered around the map, highlighted to survivors, so they can bring them to the container.

    -One canister is not nearly enough to completely do the objective. Once the can is depleted you'd have to find a new one.

    -Carrying a gas canister would make you slower and unable to do any other action, like vaulting or dropping a pallet.

    There could be new strategies found where survivors instead of instantly loading the found canister, could bring all of them at once to one of the containers.
    It would make the game feel more fresh and more varied.

  7. I thought of a game mode I call bloodrush during the mori rework ptb.

    Basically there’s a timer that both the killer and the survivors see like egc, and the objective of the killer is to down and hook everyone at once while the survivors goal is to stay alive till the timer goes all the way down after which the entity will sacrifice the killer

    There would be a 3 gen and every sees the aura of the gens, these gens would take 45s and lowers the timer by 45s, after a gen is complete all gens despawn and a 3 gen spawns somewhere else on the map. Additionally doing totems would take 20s off the timer

    To make sure that the survivors have to actually interact with the killer instead of hiding all game, the auras of all survivors would be revealed every 25s when the killer hasn’t been in chase

    For killer, hooking a survivor adds 60s to the timer, but a survivor the survivor can self unhook after 45s when it’s their first hook, if it’s their second hook then it’s 60s to self unhook, than lastly 80s to unhook themselves if it’s their 3rd hook

  8. The mobile game Identity V has a great approach to a 2v8 mode, in that it's available for 2 hours total, one hour at different points in the day. DBD could easily do something similar, where it's open for maybe an hour or a few hours every day, that way the playerbase can remain unsplit but the large game mode is still available for people who don't have as many friends to fill up a full lobby.

  9. A 1v4 game called “Identity V” did 2v8 pretty well, they removed killers that would have just broken the game and players could only play it when the servers opened for a couple hours every couple of hours, this made it so most of the time queue times for 1v4 were still relatively short but if you had no friends (like me :D) you could still enjoy it, maybe DbD could do something similar, rotating the game mode each week but you can only play the mode for 2 hours every 5 hours or something like that

  10. One idea I had is too have the red mori be basekit in a 2 v 8 gamemode. Why? Because of something called a “dual mori.” Basically if one killer is able to mori a survivor and the other killer is close enough, both can initiate a unique mori together.

    Obviously not every killer would have a dual mori, but I assume killers that have similar themes, powers or are even related would have a dual mori. Some examples would be Singularity and Skull Merchant, Hillbilly and Leatherface, Spirit and Oni, Wesker and Nemesis, etc.

  11. There is one main flaw to the gameplay of the survivor vs survivor, the first person to get chased will probably end up just DC'ing, knowing theres probably no chance at winning.


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