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Any advantage we survivors get is a blessing. 😌
Even though I agree with what he said here, Gen speed at the highest level is still broken survivors are just too effiecient with chases and teamates can complete gens under 80 seconds there's a reason why survivors destroyed killers in the DBD tournament.
You didn't need a perk to show you spawns, just play survivor
Litaraly just got out of a game 20 seconds in they got my lullaby i still got the 4k tho as demo
All I'm hearing is a streamer who wishes they could be a dev shitting on a party game because they wished it were competitive. Maybe try CSGO Scott, you're boring
I started playing again about a month ago, and even I can see spawns are the main balance issues for difference in game speed, as well as the match making system, I'm high green low purple rank killer, and from my survivor and killer games I've noticed that psawns are a two way street, if you get a spread survivor spawn a lot of gens go by the time you get your first chase or hook, and if you get a tight spawn where survivors are close together gens barely progress because of the high press if the killer also spawns close, I've had games where all 4 have been in the same spot with the killer just out side of terrier radius from the survivors leading to instant confrontation allowing for multi early game hits giving heal requirements to slow down survivors. So spawns have a heavy effect on a trail from start to finish. This new perk is going to be great for balancing out the spawns, because now you have aura at the start and then getting your bbq for aura as soon as you catch the closes person from your spawn. I think this perk is gonna be really useful for balancing it out but is also an issue that you have to waste one perk slot on a bandage for early game that avoids a snowball effect creature by a greater issue in the first place
Great job. Now they‘ll nerf it.
that's why I always wanted Devs to add a "Heatmap" (such as the game Evolve had) showing up all players position and actions. This to better understand why the match went so bad or so good and to improve how I play by reviewing the match from a global perspective
I hate the gen speed argument since most interaction comes through survivor and killer interaction entirely and slapping more time on gens is just a really dumb way to look about it when gens are fine in terms of speed.
Yeah i had a game once where killer found me almost instatnly and it wasn't the best chase but it was long enough to get 3 gens pop at the same time. The killer just couldn't do anything about it.
I hate that one person who brings a offering that spawns all survivors in one area not even as killer just survivor
both are an issue, fixing spawns 1st is the better idea so u know how to adjusts gen speeds….
I agree with your logic, but I think that repairing gens gets half value for the first 30-60 seconds also serves a similar purpose. You can remove that penalty a minute in, or whatever. Changing spawns will not necessarily solve the issue of them spreading out. I think you're on the right track with your analysis of what makes the game seem too fast. This is a good analysis but I dont see the solution being complete, nor do I have a more complete solution myself. I think the trial warmup is also a good idea but that tilts to killers that dont want to start chase like hag or trapper and makes them super strong. I appreciate your points and your content. I hope to have more substantial contributions to this conversation in the future, but the discussion should be had.
What if they did what CoD zombies does? Before you can start repairing you have to find a switch and flip it? There’d be 2 in every match.
Just nerf gen speeds and nerf gen regression perks to compensate
Excellent points great way to bring something new to the discussion.
Let it out bruh
Discordance pops for me literally in the first 10 seconds of every match
Can't wait for BHVR to completely ignore this video 😀
Within 10 seconds, every survivor has a gen or totem to work on. That's the equivalent of spawning the killer in line of sight of a survivor and almost immediately giving them a chase. Everybody would agree that's busted, yet it's totally fine for survivors to get this.
When I play survivor, the hardest games are the ones where I ended up spending some time finding a gen at the beginning.
literally had a much as deathslinger where 3 gens poped in 1 chase, then after they unhooked steve, the last 2 gens poped, legit a 5 min game
Yup a perk that only last for 7 seconds is op
Dude all your videos seems like you have problems about other people problems