GHOSTFACE CAN T BAG TOO! – Dead by Daylight

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23 thoughts on “GHOSTFACE CAN T BAG TOO! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. And to think people would use this game as an example of why killers shouldn’t be strong because “solo experience sucks!!!” No hunny, you’re not as good as you think if you still get teammates like these

  2. Yeah, it was really strange that the Devs finally saw the High MMR group of players in testing, said "they made it less sweaty for them sometimes", but in reality nothing changed or it actually became even more sweaty(

  3. Hey tru3, I was watching a smaller streamer today who said that gen speeds should be based off of MMR. High MMR = Slower Gens, Low MMR = Current Gen Speed, or 5 Gens at low MMR, and 7 Gens at high MMR. What do you think?

  4. Yeah that ghostface chase music… First time hearing it for me, and man, those high pitched 'WRRWRRWRR WRRRWRRWRRR'' aint pleasant. If it was more in the background and the other instruments were brought up, then it might be good. But god damn.

  5. If you really want to give them a taste of their own medicine youd slug all four and tbag them till they bleed out. Thats really whatd be equivalent to them teabagging at the exit and not leaving until you either make them or just before the timer.


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