Hackers are KILLING Dead by Daylight! – GimmsRant

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Hackers are KILLING Dead by Daylight! – GimmsRant

GimmsRant #72 – Talking about the hackers in Dead by Daylight and how they are overrunning and ruining the player experience. It’s getting out of hand. This needs to stop.

As well as my TOP changes I want to see come into the game in 2022!

#dbd #DeadByDaylight #GimmsRant

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About Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.


42 thoughts on “Hackers are KILLING Dead by Daylight! – GimmsRant”

  1. encountered 2 hackers this month alone and 1 of them held the game hostage for 20 fucking minutes.

    forcing me to quit and I get penalized. Thanks BHVR

    can't name and shame about it and didn't bother reporting since that doesn't do shit

  2. I told you a couple weeks ago i was going to try and see how much time it take for me to get ban. Unfortunately i got tired of hacking before the dev ban me i was hacking 3h a day for 3 weeks all that with blatant hack but i never took a game hostage so i was a nice hacker but this show in my experience they dont care about hacker and i even admit to it in the chat and ask for the survivor and killer to report me and i never got ban 🙁

  3. the point you made of things we need before SBMM 1 optimization 2 anti cheat 3 proper balance for casual and professional direction.

    this is the realest rational thing for dbd, it’s really hard to debate against it honestly

  4. To be brutally honest… Despite how unlikely it is… I want to see this game be developed by a company that isn't BHVR. Be creative directors, idgaf. But the core programming and designing of this game needs to be done by a different group. BHVR had their chance. For 5 Years. But it's just not good enough. Not for 2022.
    The game has been out long enough now and it's diminished into a terrible state. Sure I'd excuse the bugs and features from year one because after all… it's an indie game by a small company.
    But we are not in those days anymore, and the problems just keep occurring. For 5 years, BHVR benefited off of pay to play, and with added micro transactions the company has made a lot since this game's release. But we've reached a point of seeing diminishing returns. What more does BHVR need to make things right.
    We're at a point now where hackers are maliciously breaking down this game, and because we as the players are not equipped with any ability to kick, ban, or opt out of matches (WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES). We have to endure these matches so regularly, and it's CLEAR no one likes it.
    Fix the spaghetti code.
    Fix the hacking problem.
    Equip players with new, improved, & polished features that cater to gameplay, & to matchmaking.
    And give the community a goddamn roadmap. At the very least!
    This game is quickly losing its identity. And it's because the community (that this game has made and that has helped this game achieve so much success) is not being listened to, or being understood BY THE DEVELOPERS.

  5. Sad part is not only that their cheat protection is not working, their report system is not working anyway and I dont even know how I can report Epic Store players. Feelts so awful to play this crap, espically this time around coming from a 2016 dbd player, sadly.

  6. Honestly, the only way they'll do anything at all is if the ghost of Christmas past has paid them all a visit this holiday season and opened their eyes to the reality of their idleness. This doesn't seem to be happening, so my money's on another year of fierce hacking.

  7. 3 weeks of no DBD and I still don’t miss it. I am just not sure if I want to go back till BE gets their crap together. Then add hackers ontop of it. So glad I left. For now they lost another killer main I won’t support their crappy behavior.

  8. I haven't seen a hacker in ages. Although I don't play as much as I used too and I have been playing Killers I still have lots to learn with, so my MMR is lower… so maybe that's the case. I had hope in my heart that BHVR was silently cleaning them up. A man can dream, right?

  9. I went against a hacking swf while playing Oni on Lerys l was about to kill the leon at 5 gens but they sabotaged all of the hooks and they never respawned back so l wasn't able to actually hook anyone so l had to slug or try to go to the basement but l was only able to get one kill in that game,but it's pretty sad that people go to such lengths like cheating because they don't like losing.

  10. I barely vs hackers like I use to I got one like once last month and haven’t got any since but I can surely agree that hackers are pretty much taking over dead by daylight might as well be the devs of this game LMAO

  11. Hacking and balance are my 2 biggest gripes right now, and they may be closer linked than we realise.

    When hacking is mentioned, generally people refer to the obvious hackers that flaunt it or out themselves when they're on death hook. Thing is, I've seen plenty of subtle hackers.

    This begs the question of how imbalanced the game truly is; is it game design or hacks that makes survivors the power role.


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