How Balanced Landing BROKE Dead by Daylight

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While Balanced Landing may seem irrelevant nowadays, years ago it was the KEY to breaking Dead by Daylight and giving survivors godmode.


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31 thoughts on “How Balanced Landing BROKE Dead by Daylight”

  1. Balanced Landing is much more reliable to proc than you might expect. I often accidentally fall 2 inches and proc it. The height required is very low and any map with open sided stairs or ledge vaults is also viable for this perk. its my go to exhaustion perk because you'd be surprised how many maps have second floors you can fall from and if they dont well refer back to the comment on open sided stairs or ledge vaults.

  2. I think ppl would love BL as just stumble reduction, but it'd be tough to balance because it'd likely have to be less than the old 100% and 75% fall stagger reduction. It'd be interesting if they somehow limited the amount of fall staggers you used in a given period/chase which could also help. End of the day as much as I loved the old BL, I don't think there's an easy solution that brings BL back to it's OG fun value, without making maps balance a much bigger issue.

  3. I shouldn’t reveal this but balanced landing is one of two of the perks I run. Balanced landing barely gets used these days so most killers don’t expect it. Having a killer chase you and be so close to getting you! Then hop off a ledge or 3 foot drop and you zoom away like the road runner. Has saved my bacon a hundred times! Definitely an underrated perk and the perk you rock that everyone keeps asking you how you keep winning. I never see people use it and hearing about it’s history is awesome. I can’t imagine using that and running around as it recharges!! Omg unstoppable, I can see why they fixed that! Cons to balanced landing is there are a couple maps that have no drops and it’s wastes a perk slot, also killers that can range hit you can ruin the Burst. Last time I used it I balanced landing myself out the exit gate with bubba on my heels. Works great and definitely a secret top tier perk. I will tell you my other but I think it’s pretty obvious. 🤪

  4. Could you make a rework and showcase the things you use for your game?

    Config Settings
    Graphics Colour Enhance
    The Pink Chase Aura/ Photoblindmode?

    I don't even know if your old Config Application you made ages ago still works.

  5. Balanced Landing was my favorite Perk to use, even if Sprint Burst and Dead Hard were always stronger. IMO they should remove the Nerf it got and just keep it at 75% Reduction even when Exhausted. The Maps have changed and the Nerf was more a temporary fix while they were fixing Maps. Because, lets face it, even with nerfed BL, Haddonfield was not really good to play as Killer.

    They just need to make sure that somewhat next to each upper Floor Window is a Drop for the Killer to use. This would avoid Infinites. This is done very well on Midwich IMO, every Window on the upper Floor has a Drop nearby (or the Stairs in one case), so while you can get value out of BL while not exhausted, you wont be able to run the same Window multiple times without getting hit.

  6. If BL was strictly stagger reduction, that'd make way for some really annoying loops with the new Haddonfield and Garden of Joy god windows. I think the best way to buff it would be by giving every map some consistent verticality. I'm looking at you, shelter woods..

  7. At this point, i would remove the speed burst and exhaustion from the perk, just keep the reduced stagger while falling and sound from falling , while the speed burst should be given to Lithe. Lithe has more uses than Balanced landing, while the latter only true use is the reduced stagger and sound effect, Lithe would get much practical to use and Balanced landing would be far better by itself, while having a separate cooldown, so it doesn´t proc when you don´t needed, there is already a perk like Quick and quiet for vaulting, why don´t make Balanced landing for falling?.

  8. agreed just keep it the same exh perk and lower the stagger from falling from heights whether exh or not i think would be perfect especially considering even if that was the case i doubt many infinites would show up if any.

  9. As much as I loved using old balanced, there’s no way they could add the stagger reduction on its own with the current maps. Maps like Sanctum of Wrath and dead dog would be kinda busted.

  10. I would love if there was a perk with more effective stagger reduction, would kind of love if it was part of Spinechill given its a cat, plus without the speed boost it wouldn't be to far fetched to even buff the stagger resistance or give it another secondary effect

  11. They probably should have left it the way it was. I don’t think it was as problematic as everyone made it seem. Cause even bulky squads then vs now still aren’t as massive as people claim them to be. Also with all the reworks and adaptations they have done with the maps. They could bring it back to the stager being reduced by 100% and maybe just leave it as that. Since the burst isn’t really that important to begin with.

  12. Well, considering those loops made infinite by reduced stagger are no longer in the game and you are forced to have the exhaustion side of things at every tier, BRING BACK STAGGER REDUCTION REGARDLESS OF EXHAUSTION STATUS! Balanced landing will always remain an incredibly underused, risky, and situational exhaustion perk unless constant stagger reduction is added back. It still won't be as good as Sprint Burst or Dead Hard (even after the rework), but you will see it picked SO MUCH MORE OFTEN. And isn't that what the devs are going for? Shaking up the meta by buffing underused perks to make them viable and nerfing overused perks into the ground? Well, balanced ain't viable anymore…bring it back!


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