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0:00 Intro
0:32 Game 1 vs Ghostface
05:55 Game 2 vs Doctor
09:38 Game 3 vs Spirit
13:07 Outro
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build, new killer in dbd gets released all the time, wesker from resident evil is coming to dbd albert wesker that guy yeah along with new resident evil chapter in dbd good dbd youtubers to follow (besides me ofcourse) are otzdarva, ayrun, thejrm, naymeti they talk about survivor techs all the time every survivor tech in the game and maybe even shirtless survivors in dbd, i made a guide about every single survivor tech in dead by daylight recently you should check it out smile survivors techs are fun, i love the dumb tech, the cj tech, the ayrun tech and especially holing killers i love when killers get holed by jrm in his the dead by daylight experience videos but i hole em too so watch puffalope hes cool
amazing chase dude gg
I can only dream of being as good as ppl like puff or Ayrun
I prefer watching survivors gameplay rather than killers and your channel is one of the best here IMO. Keep going, hope you'll get as much auditory as other big DbD channels do
I saw this 4 and a half hours ago, but I had to watch some movies with a friend so I couldn't make a comment, also cooked some good stuff😅
But well, love your videos, I wondered if you could put them on Spotify or smth, cause I'd love to listen to them when going to sleep.
Is that creepy? Idk… I don't wanna be creep I'm sorry if that's weird, it's just, it's really relaxing listening to you talk and fake out killers idk. I'd love it please tag me if you ever consider this thx ~Booh <3
Yes YT, in Game 1 you Puff completely ignoring dying teammates for content. Do I hate it? Yes. Do I still watch? Yes!
Omg them smooches! Love it!
i was there live 😏
Thanks for reminding me to subscribe ☺.
I make sure to press that button every time I watch your videos
Nice nice
Calling that spirit bad when you're clearly in baby killer MMR bodes poorly for a good attitude. All three killers were wiffing shots they really shouldn't have, or respecting pallets like their grandmother might die if they took a stun.
There is just nothing scary OR REAL about DBD.
Proven examples: Including, but far from limited…
1: Third party communication fraud. [All SWF, ALL BROKEN, ALL FRAUD FOR PARTICIPATION TROPHIES THROUGH GAME MANIPULATION.] Absolute fact. <<<<
-Modern communication fraud now DAILY includes killer for farming manipulation, and solo targeting abuse. ALMOST ALWAYS, AND EVERY DAY THIS IS PROVEN.
2: MAP RNG: How can anyone be 'afraid of anything,' when you now ALWAYS have a giant map. ALSO ALWAYS have a pallet to utilize just a few short meters away?
This is not real, and your disgusting 'participation trophy fraud style maps for survivor fake gain' is incredibly toxic to this game as a whole. Fraudulent, and lame guys! ALSO ONE OF THE REASONS CAMPING, AND TUNNELING IS SO NEEDED IN HIGH MMR KILLER PLAY. Your criminally designed, broken, cheating maps. Naughty cheater wannabes!
3: Popularity fraud. If you have even the slightest traction in streaming you are protected by very disconnected people from reality who exist ONLY to praise you like some kind of sun god.
Complacency is the mother of sins, and protects all the crimes going on in DBD.
-Anyway for this subject it only entails the manipulation fraud of the game. People see these overly popularized pricks, and protect them at all costs. EVEN AT THE ABUSE OF OTHERS AT ALL TIMES. <<<That's the big thing that is proven. Destroying ANYONE'S JOY so you frauds can have a popular manipulated results video…AGAIN
-This also is a parameter in how toxic, exploiting ttvs destroy any sincerity in all DBD games. Just targeting the solo for direct abuse, and scripted fraud to look good.
There is just nothing scary OR REAL about DBD.
Proven examples: Including, but far from limited…
1: Third party communication fraud. [All SWF, ALL BROKEN, ALL FRAUD FOR PARTICIPATION TROPHIES THROUGH GAME MANIPULATION.] Absolute fact. <<<<
-Modern communication fraud now DAILY includes killer for farming manipulation, and solo targeting abuse. ALMOST ALWAYS, AND EVERY DAY THIS IS PROVEN.
2: MAP RNG: How can anyone be 'afraid of anything,' when you now ALWAYS have a giant map. ALSO ALWAYS have a pallet to utilize just a few short meters away?
This is not real, and your disgusting 'participation trophy fraud style maps for survivor fake gain' is incredibly toxic to this game as a whole. Fraudulent, and lame guys! ALSO ONE OF THE REASONS CAMPING, AND TUNNELING IS SO NEEDED IN HIGH MMR KILLER PLAY. Your criminally designed, broken, cheating maps. Naughty cheater wannabes!
3: Popularity fraud. If you have even the slightest traction in streaming you are protected by very disconnected people from reality who exist ONLY to praise you like some kind of sun god.
Complacency is the mother of sins, and protects all the crimes going on in DBD.
-Anyway for this subject it only entails the manipulation fraud of the game. People see these overly popularized pricks, and protect them at all costs. EVEN AT THE ABUSE OF OTHERS AT ALL TIMES. <<<That's the big thing that is proven. Destroying ANYONE'S JOY so you frauds can have a popular manipulated results video…AGAIN
-This also is a parameter in how toxic, exploiting ttvs destroy any sincerity in all DBD games. Just targeting the solo for direct abuse, and scripted fraud to look good.
Bruh amazing notification yt thx
Ello gamer
About to get downed by doctor, vid skips ahead 2 hooks lmao