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“what perk is *insert unknown icon*?”
I have some custom perk icons! if you dont recognize a certain perk, its either Windows of Opportunity, Spine Chill, Resilience, No Mither, or Decisive Strike! ft. Survivor Talbot Grimes! (The Blight)

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36 thoughts on “HOW TO BALANCE KILLER AND SURVIVOR | Dead By Daylight”

  1. The problem with boons being gone after one snuff is that hex totems can be guarded by a killer and survivors have no way to protect boons. It takes survivors 14 (could be more depending on perks) seconds to cleanse a hex and the killer can interrupt this action at any time. So of you want boons to be gone after one kick make it takes 14 seconds to break and allow a survivor to come up and slap and stun the killer if they don't let go. There now boons and hexes are equal. (Jk this would be terrible, coming form someone who plays both sides, I think they just need a cool down, but a 1 time use is useless.)

  2. 8:44 when you said you wanted to buff Boon totems, I was like “YOU DARE!”, but once you mentioned the fact that it can only be placed down ONCE your actions have been justified from the killer community!

    By the by: I don’t think the Nurse and the Blight need a ‘nerf’, those to require so much skill in precision that they really don’t deserve it. Overall, good video. I appreciate when Someone also wants to balance the game!

  3. My idea for a dead hard nerf would be that if you dead hard through a killers attack it should put you onto a deep wound state without making the killer clean his weapon and it would not give the survivor the speed bost of getting hit, also the bleeding timer would be of three seconds

  4. a nerfed version of corrupt intervention should honestly be basekit for killer. i honestly don’t think dead hard needs a change, it is the strongest surv perk but imo its not really broken. i think people are just tired of seeing it i sure am but theres no reason not to run it, in my opinion the other exhaustion perks should be on the same level of dead hard where they are strong but not broken so the game isnt so repetitive and stale and people can actually run other things (choosing when to activate sb, lithe increasing vault speed by 15%, slightly nerfed version of old balanced, etc). i know people wouldn’t really like this idea but as someone who mostly plays killer id honestly enjoy the variety, i am just tired of seeing dh.

  5. ngl but if dead by daylight it will be like u said in ur video, it will be broken af, that's not balance at all, is more killer sided, like wtf why do u want to deactivate half of good perks in collapse… and take a prot hit to earn dead hard? u kiddin me haha , damn girl u was tottaly on killer side, isn't our fault that killer makes wrong moves, like tunneling and etc.

  6. i think the 75% healing speed for coh is fine and balanced but i think that the way to nerf it is to have it so you cant boon the same totem twice. only using it once makes it kinda useless and the big issue was the same unreachable totem getting booned over and over. i do think that it shouldnt remove hexes either, have it so when it gets snuffed the hex comes back, so the survivors have to choose if they wanna get rid of a potentially strong totem completely so no one can use it or boon it and risk whatever hex perk it was coming back

  7. Kindred being base kit would be very good for the game. But maybe a tad strong to see everyone else for free? I get seeing the killer in case they're camping, which serve to at least partially discourage camping, if the survivors know you're just standing there. I like the changes to nurse and blight, and blight's specifically reminds me of the upcoming legion buff. How it rewards you for skillfully using your kit at the right time. What I think for the kicking gens thing is not necessarily making it regress a percentage, but instead make it so it will always regress until a survivor fixes it for a certain amount of time, uninterrupted, say like 5 seconds or so. If they let go, the gen resumes regressing. Maybe it would still leave kicking gens with low value, but I'd prefer to test something like that, instead of making gen kicker wraith incredibly annoying. Other than that, I really liked the changes you proposed!

  8. Disable BT and DS when the End game starts is a very bad idea, its sounds like a Crying Killer speaking. BT is the only safe rescue when the End Game starts and the Fu&¨%ng Killer starts to face camping, like a kings of camping Piramid Head, Bubba, Nemesis, Clown, and etc. Also, I think fix the bugs and balance the perks, perks anly need 1 level, not 3 is better then bloodpoints incentive that not even make the game better or the community less toxic. Behavior Nerfed mettle of man 'cause a lot of tears from killers. There is a lot of meta builds for the killers and for survivors they have BT, DH and DS and all three would have reworked. This game is Killer Sided and the crying never stops.

  9. The boon effects are not powerful enough to warrant a one time use. They can't alter or win a match like a Hex perk, which doesn't even need to be set up by the killer and is done automatically. They also don't have limited area of effect like Boons and sometimes totems can be in awful spots.
    Dark Theory is garbage, Exponential is extremely situational as 99% of the time killers will snuff out the Boon or pick you up immediately, and CoH is now going to have the same speed as selfcare..enough said there. Only Shadowstep is the really strong one, but you'd still need Lucky Break and Iron Will to make any real plays with it. Just do bones lol

    Also DS is already useless as it is, that change would just delete the only anti tunneling tool left.
    Also also you're basically giving DH the Mettle of Man treatment and making it a useless meme perk.

    Also also also I'd suggest a change for Pinhead, which is simply to make Franklin's/Hoarder not work with his box.

  10. Some of these were bad lik the boon one💀 but others were actually good lik the noes one. If they would make kindred and BT basekit, they're gonna have to do something for killer. Thinking lik a basekit jolt and/or pain resonance/deadlock also non mobility killers get a basekit blight stim that works jus lik the addon. Plus maybe 3 addons but that would need to be adjusted

  11. Dhe dead hard and decisive ner would be compleatly pointless in my opinion, considering the game is killer sided enought to need perks like thoose to balance things out…
    Even than there is like a 34% escape rate in both swf and soloq

  12. A change i would like to see to flashbang is that for every time you meet the requirement to get a banger you get a token related to each lvl of the perk so for example you have it at lvl 3 and you complete 150% worth of gen progress thats 3 tokens and when steeping into a locker consume a token it would give the perk more value than what it has today

  13. I feel like, if gen tapping is a problem, then any form of a basekit pop doesn't really stop it, because you still don't have to stay on the gen for long. I feel like instead, they should make overcharge basekit. That way you have a chance to counter the regression, it outright negates gen tapping as now it reveals your location and causes more regression, and it makes pop just as valuable so there is still a reason to run it. And it would make technician a somewhat more viable perk. Seriously, everyone forgets that overcharge as a perk exists and I think it is super slept on.

  14. I wish ds wouldn't be activateble once, your change could stay but if you just get tunneled ds tunneled dead, but each time your unhooked it activated so 2x and if you get faired you can use it 2x after unhook so you get a chance, but keep the canceling

  15. I think its a great idea for most of the perks, but another good change for dead hard would be for it to work when in the broken status for more risk and reward for using perks like deliverance or no mither or just in general when being punished by killers that make you broken (Plague and certain add-ons for killers), as for decisive, I think it should cause the broken status effect for 60 seconds so that they cant heal quickly on boons or other perks. As for the killer side, i think everything is fine, especially with the way NOED would be. You pretty much just have to treat it as a stage 3 myers. But another good idea for NOED would be to let you kill one survivor (mori) during those 60 seconds, and if you mori the timer disables regardless of duration, but then again, thats just my opinion. Also buff Behaviour.

  16. I love all these ideas, at first I was against base-kit borrowed time, but now that I’m thinking of it as killer I already play like it exists as you described it, I always go for trades over hitting the person just unhooked unless it’s at the endgame, so I think it would not only stop tunneling a bit, but help killers in the endgame to not have to deal with BT (and if survivors want to deal with endgame campers they can use No one left behind!)

  17. Did she said add a another element of skill to nurse and blight two of the hardest and skillful killer in the game also she said dm and hook is overpower but she said nothing about toolbox and medkit

  18. I think that boons having infinite uses unlike hexes is dumb but I dont think one use is good. Survivors need to find totems and set up boons while killers get hexes right off the bat so I think 3 uses would be fair. I really like your ideas and your content is amazing keep up the great work

  19. For the dead Hard chance, i think you should probably get rid of the exhaustion status effect because you will be too much to just heal yourself and wait for your exhaustion to go to use it again.


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