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You're wrong. Dracula is shit.
My respect to the comment section for not commenting on the survivor’s name, ya better than I am
the scott troll luh mao
Can we get a edit of Scott as a Belmont and Zubat as death?
Scott's other personality disagrees with him, schizo arc incoming
I checked the comments as soon as I saw the title lol
The duality between scott and zubat
Scott Jund: "I don't like Dracula very much."
Zubat: "I like Dracula very much."
The duality of man.
Evil Scott be like:
AWOO type shi
What is an exhaustion perk?! A miserable pile of secrets!
Your move, scotch.
I was about to comment that the title was so funny, looks like were all hive minded monsters sent from the entity
same tbh
The double jump on the wolf is so op
faster a little bit more range on bat tp and dracula is a certified banger
Vile Scott Dad and Pure Zubat Dad are fighting passive aggressively again
zubat vs scott situation is insane
Someone help me understand the disadvantage in his power
it look so fun to play D:
this killer looks really fun, love to see content creators having fun with him. Can only hope he doesn't get nerfed for no reason because he seems balanced so far imo.
Is that the fucking hellsing alucard english voice actor?
13:04 😳
Does Scott ever like a killer lmao
Zubat is the Reverse-Scott.
oh i absolutely love it when zub fucks with scott lmaooooo they're just adorable
3:54 iirc the patch notes for Dracula’s release stated the scent orbs increase his wolf forms speed by 5% because when they buffed its base ms from 110% ms to 115% they also said scent orb ms was reduced so the speed would go from 125% originally to 120% in parenthesis.
19:10 that's such a good play
ghoulish_horror 1:54 that chat is abominable
He doesn't like Dracula, he likes doggo who can also be some random vampire sometimes.
Like vecna dracula is a very refreshing killer to play as and against i felt new killers like unknown were cool but a little lackluster but when vecna released i was excited and i was even more excited that dracula was just as complex and unique as vecna so i love playing as and against both killer's
isn't Dracula just better Demogorgon?
It feels a bit crazy how fast bat is plus how quick you can bite after transforming out of it. I wish I could cancel legion speed and hit that fast