IMMENSE HOARDER VALUE!? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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I have never really used Hoarder beyond the initial release of the Twins… This is some immense Hoarder value! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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5 thoughts on “IMMENSE HOARDER VALUE!? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. I watched it LIVE.
    And Mr.Tat – I highly disagree.
    Stab Wounds Study are NOT very rare add-on worthy – the highest it can be is "uncommon".
    Let me tell you what a "very rare" add-on should be like: Clown Cigar box IS a very rare add-on, Trapper's Honing Stone IS a very rare add-on, Hag's Shackles ARE very rare add-on you see?
    Very rare add-on should be game-changing at SOME point!
    15 seconds deep wound timer is literally nothing against medioker survivors not even high level play.
    Even if Stab Wounds Study would be 19 seconds instead of 5 leaving survivors 1 second from going down – they would still counter you by just holding SHIFT-W!
    Don't lie to yourself, brother!

  2. I remember I equipped Hoarder and Franklin’s for my Doctor when the Look-See skin came out (, wanted to play with a lore-accurate build), and I was pleasantly surprised how much value it gave me.
    It gave me more value than whispers! And it gave me more slowdown than ruin!
    Looks like it’s now too common that survivors are too attached to their items.


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