Is Dead by Daylight getting stale?

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31 thoughts on “Is Dead by Daylight getting stale?”

  1. Yo! I feel like this video was Amazing man but in my opinion the game isnt stale but at times It can get annoying,i dont think dbd Is dying Anytime soon cause many IPs got Dbd's back and Who knows how many more Will join us in the next months and years.
    Mostly the communities are the ones pushing this idea as Always,Sure TCM got a huge Peak on dbd of players Active now but so did Evil Dead the game and Friday the 13th the game…for the First 9 months or so,not saying that TCM Will die like the other two games but i Just find quite childish all this "Oh i Hope this Is the Dbd killer" thing,Just enjoy your shit and dont Sip on the soup you know you dont like Just to spit It out After.

  2. DBD should do co-op with Marvel and DC

    Claire Temple, James Wesley, Star Lord, Karen Page, Foggy Nelson, J. Jonah. Jameson, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Frank Castle, Rocket Racoon, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Okoye, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Grant Ward, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Patricia "Trish" Walker, Tadashi Hamada, Amadeus Cho the Iron Spider, Gwenpool, Harley Keener, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Survivors/Victims from Marvel)

    Damian Wayne, Richard John "Dick" Grayson, Hal Jordan, Selina Kyle, Constantine, Amanda Waller, Tatsu Yamashiro, Renee Montoya, Oliver Quinn, Felicity Smoak, Alfred Pennyworth, Talia Al Ghul, Oracle, Kate Spencer, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon (Victims/Survivors from DC)

    Evil Deadpool, Kingpin, Bullseye, Carnage, Riot, Typhoid Mary, Shriek, Kraven the Hunter, Mauvais, Mysterio, Hela the Sin Eater, Green Goblin, Baron Zemo, Childs, Contagion, Jigsaw (Marvel villains)

    Victor Zsasz, Professor Pyg, Joker, Scarecrow, Anton Arcane, Deathstroke, Murmur, Rick Flag, Black Manta, Robin King, Black Mask, Owlman, Poison Ivy, The Batman who Laughs, Enchantress, Lady Shiva, Cheetah, Knockout (DC villains)

    I think it's time for DBD to add non-human survivors such as Rocket Racoon or Aelfyre Whitemane, AW was a pure hearted alien who died after giving his powers to 4 siblings. Suddenly he was ressurected by the Entity

  3. I hope tcm finally give dbd some competition and lights a fire under their ass😭 The recent focus on cosmetics instead of actual reworks and game mechanics is depressing

  4. Idt the gameplay loop of DBD is getting old, I think it’s the annoying parts of the game r getting stale, like if every killer was viable, if camping and tunneling was addressed, if gens didn’t finish in under a minute, and so on then the gameplay loop would feel better and have more longevity, I personally would prefer if they fix the game mode they have before adding more, cuz god knows trying to balance a 2v8 mode rn with certain killers would be HORRIBLE, like imagine goin against a Knight and a Skull Merchant at the same time lol

  5. My God i have a family to take care of,I can't play DBD everyday plus theres no pay not even one person who are subscriber that even interacts with me So you guy's just gotta manage and have fun without me 😭 The Thing is the next chapter btw 😊

  6. BHVR refuses to innovate. Most evident with DbD's "events," they're just the main game with slight modifiers. They don't do anything truly special. It's frankly down to both their spaghetti code and the fact that they can't even balance their main gamemode.

  7. Totally agree and honestly it may be time for DBD 2. DBD's big hook getting players to re-que for a new lobby is the dynamic. The fact that a match starts with an advantage for survivors and slowly shifts to an advantage for the killer is a huge and interesting draw but then getting into the match the mechanics are so bland and bare bones. You sit on a gen and press a button periodically or you loop. And even looping only has windows or pallets as modifiers. It's still fun but the mechanics are very lacking by today's standards. Basically we need far more options, far more interactions, far more goals for both sides and honestly TCM gives us all of these things. The only issue with TCM is its focused on one IP and the growth is too limited. If the devs from DBD and TCM teamed up to make a game with the diversity of TCM with the scope and IP freedom of DBD we'd have the groundwork for a perfect DBD 2

  8. BHVR are just worried to change the product I feel. I would love to have proximity chat included and that’s never even been considered? A few creators have played 2 vs 8 and it’s majorly unbalanced and ruins the game a bit, but even a sort of survival mode, or hide and seek, anything new like that would be great

  9. I think DBD should add more gamemodes like collecting stuff and escape via vehicle repair, gamemode where objective is to cleanse certain eras and they teleport around, a gamemode where survivors rush to one point to get to another dimension and the survivors who die is gone from then on or something entirely different (just trying to spit some ideas out that may or may not work but the point is what counts). I love the way perks work and how gameplay is but I still think another gamemode or 2 would help alot. The big reason as I see it for this problem is the fact that you do the same over and over with no variety at all in objectives. This is a common killer for survivors in the game (no pun intended). I get other games like CS is kinda the same over and over but players still feel matches have variety of playstyles due to the way gameplay is implemented and there are multiple objectives that can be done to win and I can also see the same in DBD but you feel way to quickly things are the same.

  10. Playing killer I mainly use singularity as of late and I have been doing really well as him but I decided to play a different killer nemesis just to have a change of play style and I immediately get given a 4 stack swf and one of them is running movement cheats and they all start slinging insults at the end and saying I’m going to be banned for having a rude name and I haven’t played a dif killer since and I don’t want to encase I get the same situation we’re I get stomped and have no fun and feel like shit

  11. the thing about new game modes is im afraid people will completely switch to one side and never touch the other again. for instance, lets say they did have a 2v8 gamemode or something silly like prop hunt, everyone prefers that and then original dbd never gets touched, or vice versa. but yeah, dbd is really boring right now. i cant play for more than an hour without being extremely bored and new chapters arent even exciting anymore because its still the same gameplay, just a different character or map

  12. I am just surprised about people’s reactions to the alien chapter, I heard King giving the chapter a 7.5 out of 10, that’s crazy to me. The burnout must be insane for people to blow off a alien chapter, a chapter mind you that people have been wanting for years now.


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