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Here’s some matches that demonstrate you’re perfectly capable of coming back even at 1 or 2 gens. You don’t need to tunnel someone out of the game at 5 gens, you cowards 😆
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Nice a new vid!!! Missed it a lot bro thx
a john huntress game 😍😍😍
It's always a pleasure to see more of these videos. I plan to get back to the game someday, so these will be really useful to learn how to do better.
Thank you! I was starving craving for your content.
Welcome back! Love the new vid💖
Wesker may be strong, but Huntress will always have John’s heart lol
It’s always the best feeling to have a cool comeback after feeling like you were losing the entire game!! Such a fun watch, thanks John! 😊
I enjoy binge watching John's DBD videos. They're the best
Yes very enjoyable as always
Love when survivors get cocky and end up screwing the entire team over
Happy Holidays to everyone! Stay warm or cool lol 😆
wesker looks like homelander from the boys with the red glowing/laser eyes tbh
I honestly had a nightmare last night that I was a new survivor and John was the killer. He wasn't playing the killer, he was the killer. He taunted, mocked, and berated me for my poor decisions and skill as he downed and hooked me over and over. It was awesome.
These were fun to watch. Nice work!
I always love it when a new dbd video is posted. I constantly check every night before bed for a new one. Keep ‘em coming John. ❤️
Sheva is in this game???
whats her special talent?
A Wolfe DBD video in time for Thanksgiving?!? Huntress hunting birds and whipping out all the hatchets for turkey-carving, and Wesker-! Idk, he doesn't strike me as someone who'd do anything to help out lol. Wesker standing there smirking and spouting off memey lines all smarmy, contributing NOTHING.
Ty for the upload! I love how unpredictable DBD can be, the variety of aggravating losses, satisfying stomps (six ways to Sunday-), exciting close games/comebacks , and the occasional goofy-ass player make it so much funnnn! 😀
And best wishes to you and your family, John. I know you streamed on Twitch earlier today and I haven't watched it yet (holiday hustle and bustle), but I hope you guys are doing okay with everything and people have been respecting letting you have time and privacy.
About ready to binge watch your content man. Love the vibes
So far I love watching people play the Cenobite and Wesker.