MAKING A COMP PLAYER D/C! – Dead by Daylight!

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37 thoughts on “MAKING A COMP PLAYER D/C! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Why is everyone bitching? I've watched Tru3 for years now. I've seen 4 gens get done in 2 minutes, I've seen him get harassed and sniped, I've seen him play out games where he essentially had no chance to win. Never a Dc though. He takes advantage of a trash survivor voluntarily not using DS to get a chill win and half the comments are trashing him. Keep it up Tru3 you destroyed this team

  2. As a killer main (yes I play surv), I would have personally not tunneled initially. Going against red ranks most of the time, you can tell when survivors are good or not. When getting the weaker survivors, take the opportunity to have fun and practice your killer or let them try to run you.

    I get it, a lot of survivors are toxic and we gotta vent too, but I only apply the protocol of no mercy when there are actually toxic survivors. As killers, when we see that the survivors arent assholes, lets do our part and let both sides have fun.

  3. I have said this in other video games too, if something gives you an advantage or makes you win your games without cheating , then you shouldn’t complain wbout it (like camping in shooter games, or demoing in rocket league), as long as its working against your opponents, then why not use it? Its their responsibility to find a way to play around it.
    In dbd, camping and tunneling in many cases is something that makes your games way easier (although i don’t usually do that), but its still something that no one should be complaining about although all of the stuff I mentioned are annoying af and i know how it feels face it

  4. I know tru plays both sides and stuff, but he definitely is more killer sided, and i must admit this game loves handing out things to help survivors which is bs and etc, anyways, i dont think true should straight up say they rage quit and so on when it couldve been a friend that played for 2 min and was completely killed and his/her friends didnt want them waiting or something, idk i just dont think tru needs to automatically assume that they DC'd because of him tunneling out someone when there possibly is other reasons

  5. He said the one thing most people don’t understand: its a tactic. Okay maybe sometimes im an ass but i accept when i make a bad play. Though id be lying if i said i wasnt the better looper than my friends so of course im gonna try and get the chase and buy them time

  6. I see no competitive player here just a bunch of rage quitters if they were actually a comp player they wouldn’t complain about being tunneled cause they know In the comp games they know that they are going to get tunneled and camped so they shouldn’t be mad so this person is not a comp player whoever the survivor was

  7. So I'm still not seeing your logic in comparing objective completion on a % basis like it's a 1:1 ratio of 12 hooks= 5 gens. Your 25% completion of 3 hooks was devastating enough to win the game right there, 3 hooks in terms of a survivor is dead is vastly different from 3 hooks of hooking 3/4 of the survivors once. You had far more of a lead in terms of win potential than survivors by 5% if you kept going at the rate that you were and it by no means was a close game of 20% to 25%.

    Sure I still blame the 2 survivors for getting salty and DCing once they realized they were most likely going to lose, but it was just that, they saw they were most likely going to lose at this rate. It was not really a close match lol. Heck maybe it could've been if they stayed, but at that moment you had a substantial lead to win the match due to how quickly you killed 1 survivor. a 3v1 is significantly in favour to the killer than a 4v1 so early into the game.

    Idk why you gotta act like "I was only ahead by 5%"

  8. Nothing wrong here, found the weak player and got them out early… when the game is basically set up against you, then logically, that is the best strategy… it might seem like a dick move to pull but if you actually see it from the killer's view you will only see a game that's completely against them, so yeah… that was actually fair.

  9. Okay, this might sound a bit crazy, but I don't think you were ahead by 5%. You were effectively ahead by 8.33%, because technically the survivors still need to open at least one gate (6 Gens + 1 Gate v. 4 Kills). Either way, it's amazing to see comp players not spread out and being efficient with gens. Like, seriously, what were they thinking? XD

    Good plays, Tru3. Keep up the good work!

  10. The fact tru3 tried to push this game towards rewarding 12 hooks over 4 kills and they went the complete opposite direction and in doing so they've proven tru3 right that hooks over kills would of been so much more healthy and enjoyable🤦🏻‍♂️good job bhvr. Just keep ignoring one of your biggest streamers who provides actual logical insight

  11. the ds is necesary perk, the game make you to play meta perks, to punish tunnel
    i really like your videos tru3 but that is not "good chases" only hard tunnel with 5 gens, that was not fun to watch is like insidious bubba

  12. Tru3's ego on full display, right here.
    "They DC'd because I was so efficient."
    You tunnelled a baby Mikela who had no DS. If she did have DS, you'd have been in a much worse position.
    Yes, tunnelling is the most efficient play, but against these Survivors? With 5 gens remaining? Nah.

  13. Exactly double standards. The whole risk/reward premise of Tunneling is that in that time you have focused 1 surv down, that could cost you 3Gens easily – usually 2Gens, if the Survs can only trade 1 gen for 1 life then thats either on them poorly playing or the killer playing well

  14. I think its hard to compare flashlight clicking and teabagging to tunneling/camping, the clicking and stuff can be annoying but it doesnt stop you playing the game, a not-so-skilled survivor getting tunneled just for being the worse player means they dont get to actually play the game. Im all for tunneling the ones that do the annoying shit so thats fine. If youre tunneling to win thats fine as well but I dont think its the same thing from a gameplay perspective, I think thats more a justification for feeling bad about tunneling a random guy. Just my opinion, love your videos man

  15. While I do get easily annoyed and affected by teabagging and clicking, it also doesn't directly ruin my gameplay or have any legitimate affect on the outcome. Camping and tunneling someone from the start of the game directly affects that players experience, can't tell you how many games as survivor I've ended with less than 5k points because I got chosen as the target, even when I don't bring items, or teabag. I'll never argue that camp/tunnel isn't legitimate strategy, because unfortunately it is. The problem lies in the point scoring categories for me. If I get chased ALL game, hooked, tunneled, and eventually die while my team gets out, it really isn't fair to me, who didn't get a choice, to only at most get 8k boldness points and nothing else because I literally couldn't. While the killer player using this style, still gets 20k or more. I wouldn't care about being camped/tunneled (most of the time I still don't because I can run long enough for my team to get the gens done and get out) if there wasn't a cap to the categories. If you hold the killer's attention for the majority of the game, you are just as, if not more, valuable than the teammates just holding m1 on a gen for 3 minutes.

  16. Yeah atm you need to play like that, devs like it. Survs will complain no matter what you do so… its like, if you play nice they say get gud noob killer. If you play tunneling and slugging to get 4k they say you are boring killer etc… you always play wrong for surv standards.

  17. Oh no here comes the dislikes, “how dare you tunnel you p** of s***!” Meanwhile survivors: do gens as efficiently as possible, insta-tap gens in your face, greed pallets to “juice” the killer while 3 gens pop in the distance, like, the logic flys out the window for survivor but the killer can’t speed up his objective by securing a kill early on just like they speed up their objective by doing gens so fast, oh I forgot to mention “jUsT PrEsSurE tHe WhOlE mAp”.

  18. That’s crazy that you need to tunnel in EVERY killer game you play and your excuse is “I Do it for pressure” why not get better at killer and stop playing like a dick doesn’t matter if you click or anything NOBODY wants to be tunneled

  19. ~5 minute Deathslinger match and two DC'd… Damn. I hate going against Slinger because I'm not so good at dodging, only about 200 hours in the game, but that's wild


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