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24 thoughts on “NEW KILLER "THE KNIGHT" VS WORST MAP CAN HE DO IT! Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. I found that making shorter patrols when dealing with god loops is an effective way to use the guards. Big long patrols also give the survivors lots of time to run away from where you are sending it. It's also very buggy, and some changes are needed. But I'm genuinely excited by how different this killer feels and his MORI is… to die for.

  2. 19:50 for a game is around 4 times the amount of time a team of m1 holders need to finish 5 gens and get to the exit gates, 3 times the amount to escape as 3/4. I can't see any killer that doesn't ignore pallets AND has mobility to ever compete against good teams, against 99% of survivors you can even go perk less trapper and win.
    Maps are too large and pallets will always be higher timer than gens, unless they make gens take 180s each I can't see pallets ever being beaten, in fact the best survivors don't even bother looping, drop non always safe pallets to turn them into safe pallets and shift w when they break it to the next 2-3 pallets, then shift w the last distance and gain about 60-80s per hook (need to count hit animation/slow, pickup, getting it to a hook and moving to the gens where survivors are at), good players with killers that ignore pallets and gain large distances fast are the only ones who can compete on a base level and tie (2/4), add 3-4 second chance perks and you can only get 1 kill in some maps and 0 kills in most ''old style'' 2016-2018 maps where it's easier to body block and coordinate compared to closed maps which tend to be longer in size.

  3. personally think the thing stopping him a lot from being good as a killer is that the suvioviors can see when you are tracking the path and summoning the guard that makes it way to easy to just take a right turn and run away making you just punished for using his power
    give him the spirit treatment and i think he will be fine

  4. Why can't he see survivors when placing his guards? They give survivors so much info about his power but the PoWeR RoLe can't even see survivors whilst using his ability? The fuck?

  5. As cool as this killer and power concept is, it seems so weak. The amount of videos I’ve seen on YouTube and tiktok claiming he is OP as fuck – I feel for the nerfs to come when they’re not needed

  6. I've played a few games as the knight and it seems his power isn't designed to be used IN chase but rather as a scouting & harassment tool.

    I see you're experimenting to try and find ways to use it offensively but it really feels like his guards are only useful for checking on gens from far away and pushing anybody on the gen off. The fact that survivors can simply outrun your guards is fair but a huge drawback.

    Edit: I think the devs should seriously reconsider his guards disappearing upon a successful hit, have them go through a weapon wipe animation, successful hit cooldown but the hunt should continue until the guards expire or are recalled with the tradeoff being you don't have any use of your power until then.

  7. I think a lot of people are treating these like Nemesis Zombies in terms of abilities, but they are so much more than that with the ability to be able to create pressure and zone survivors at every. single. loop.

    If guards are used correctly, you can shut down loops, slow gens and "proxy camp" a hook.
    Those safe pallets are literally no more and if your positioned correctly when you use your power, you can shorten chases drastically.

    Once killers recognize when and where a survivor is going to W key, you start the patrol accordingly and push them in the direction you want. Endurance perks will be one of the only counters.

    I'd love to see what Call of Brine does to a gen while the long patrol guard maxed out is preventing a survivor from tapping it.

  8. I might give up dbd the devs have been giving nothing but shit killers with ability that promote camping playstyle the last killer I got excited for was ghost face the ring
    The Artist
    Even nemesis is a pushover compared to others killers


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