NO MORE MR NICE GUY! Dead by Daylight

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NO MORE MR NICE GUY! Dead by Daylight

I’m live right now! get on over here –


#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty


9 thoughts on “NO MORE MR NICE GUY! Dead by Daylight”

  1. As a survivor main I totally understand why people tunnel and camp at the top levels. There’s just too much tools for survivors to get a 1 up on killers and when you want to win as a killer you’re more than likely going to target the weak links first and pack ‘em up early so there’s less gen pressure. Also, there’s no incentive to hooking so why the hell would you prioritize going for 12 hooks when the game isn’t designed around it??

  2. If it become a killer trying to tunnel me.

    I use ds or off the record to waste the killer time because I remember this one killer trying to tunnel me until I loop this killer for 5 gens 🤣.

    Got mad so I got hit on hook lmaoo💀

  3. Hey bro, I got a 4k in under 5 minutes and I wonder if I should be lenient and maybe not do that. It's happened quite a few times as I'm ranking up and learning killer. I feel like despite the 4k I'm barely scraping a pip and a half from doing that. Should I prolong games?

  4. I am playing both same. I never used tunnel or camp tactic even on very high level and its no so bad. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I have better feeling when i am not using this dirty bad tactic. But its really funny when killer cant catch you and get really big rage, cos last time he chased me more then 7 min and others had clear work :D. First rule: Always use your mind and not emotion 🙂
    Your games are great and clear, so thats really good. I hope that one day i will be same good as you.


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