"Play What You Want" – DOUBLE STANDARD | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

Video Song: The Drop by White Bat Audio
FSM Team – Lucid Dreaming

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9 thoughts on “"Play What You Want" – DOUBLE STANDARD | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I’m an ash main and ash mains are usually seen as noobs and selfish players but I litteraly use team player perks and always try to help my teammates I play ash cuz he’s my fav survivor and I think he’s the most badass and I run team player perks cuz that’s my personality I’m a team player

  2. It's such a broad statement because you can say that then add your own exception, like alot of people say play how you want, but also think tunneling and camping or starstruck or gen rushing perks are unfair, like there is also a 'but' or some acception to this rule to different people

  3. I just go with the mindset of "if it's in the game, it's allowed". It's ok to dislike certain perks, killers, add-ons or playstyles in general since they might be unfun to go up against, but it's never justified to lash out to someone for using them. It's important to remember that someone playing in a way you might not like is not doing so as some kind of personal attack towards you, it's just a game after all and it is always important to remain respectful

  4. I hate all shadow step with a passion. A wired one I know but if someone brings it here is my thought process "I hate this perk here's why" then I'll move on they can bring it that's fine why should I care that much

  5. Lots of people just like to gatekeeping suffering.

    I can play a game for like 45 seconds where I just so happen to not realize that a Myers is 99% in his tier 2, just for him to pop it 1 inch behind me and insta kill me with tombstone… and if I feel that if I say something about that at all, I'm just told "stop complaining, you're so entitled for thinking you always get to escape."

    Like, no… I just dont think my games should only last less than 60 seconds. Its not "entitlement" to desire to play my video games.

    On a small side note, that's another word I hate recently purely because of how people overuse it and take its meaning away. Any time I hear the word "entitled" used nowadays, at least half the time its somebody complaining about something that's perfectly legitimate to be upset about. Like getting face camped out of a game by a Bubba at 5 gens.


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