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PTB Trickster is S TIER! (Hex: Blood Favor) – Dead By Daylight
Dead By daylight we play new trickster with hex blood favour. Mikaela Reid with the new ptb dlc and new perks! This dlc adds the boon totems. Dbd update with the pinhead. Here’s new gameplay of the new killer the cenobite in dead by daylight.
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Otzdarva, monto, No0b3.
S tier trickster Drop a LIKE and comment your thoughts!
such a SEXY voice, cant wait to watch more videos
Did they even used pallets?
I'd say it's broken but since it's a Hex, it can get cleansed in 10 seconds into the game so let's hope Killers can have fun finally.
For now on I’m bring a rainbow map with extra range add ons 😳
It feels OP.
It's about time they make more than 5 perks for killer actually strong blood favors buff was something long overdue no one really ever used it but they also buff window of opportunity I honestly don't know how I feel about that.
If this makes it to live servers I will actually buy trickster's chapter no cap.
Well this is definitely getting patched in live, sad cause I wanted to use this lol
If this makes it to the light of day, i feel sorry for survivors bc everyone will be maining trickster for a few weeks 😂
This perk is probably just as good on doctor
The trickster is just so broken dude, how are they gonna give him so many knives plus his main event thing, even if you can’t aim you can still down them pretty easy
you have the most insane commentary as a DBD YouTuber:)
Damn survivors can never have fun
Lovely aim
I can’t even imagine how frustrating this is to play against
Works it with Doctors shock?
6:05 eyyyyy, im in a video lol
Why tf are you talking like that: sssss. S man.
Absolutely lethal
Does third seal get activated by blades as well?
While I like this game it's so clear that having the most fun is basically inaccessible without grinding to get all these fun perks, which kinda sucks. If we could play some unranked games with strangers to try these perks that'd be nice
Love your accent where are you from mate?
Hex’s are supposed to be very strong i don’t think they should nerf this, hex normally gets broken in 2 seconds anyway
New mic, dude?
The only real counter is a SOLID mind game and an indoor map :/ This is brutal D3AD.
Hey can someone tell me if its worthwhile to prestige survivors or killers in the game? This will help my progression in the future?
4:35 the screams makes me powerful
Can you try it on Legion?