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Introducing the Pumpkinhead Chaser Knight build! Learn how to maximize your gameplay with the Save the Best for Last perk, which grants you tokens for hitting non-obsessions. Combine it with Rapid Brutality for an unstoppable killer combo. Watch the video to uncover all the secrets and don’t forget to subscribe for more gaming tips and tricks!
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How does one man make so many Rapid STBFL builds
Whenever I see a new video from red all is right with the word
This dude puts rapid and STBFL on all of his chase builds, but can't help but use Lethal or Corrupt, dawg if you finna do a build commit to the theme.
I think your build content Really suffers from how often you use the same perks
I know that those perks are powerful and allow you to win most efficiently and consistently, but your content does suffer because of it.
Hard to be interested in a lot of these videos when most of the builds rely on Nowhere to Hide, Eruption, and Corrupt Intervention; meanwhile, your "theme" perks are just completely secondary
hell yea
3:32 sounded like survivor breathing for a second huh?xD
Poor knight. He needs some bug fixes
i RQed as Knight yesterday cuz every game i played my minions would refuse to kick gens for like 8s and it completely ruined my games. He's unplayable in this state – in my opinion that is the most powerful aspect of his kit, and he just can't do it anymore.
knight is absolutely unplayable but i enjoy to watch