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This Requested Wraith build is all about destroying generator progress and avoiding any gen rush potential with good passive spread thanks to oppression and Eruption, and hard hitting gen regression from pop and pain res! This Ultimate gen destroyer build should be a great build for those who like to slow the game down!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Wraith Gameplay!
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00:00 Build Breakdown
01:20 Wraith Gameplay
Nice video and nice outfit I really enjoy watching your videos your never disappoint to make my day 🤣🤣😊
new video and streaming at the same time? reds putting in that work lol
You know, a suggestion I have is “Do Not Stop the Screams Tonight” Billy.
-Ultimate Weapon
-Dead Man’s Switch
-Infectous Freight.
You choose add-on’s but I recommend Lo-Pro Chains and the brown cooldown add-on. The goal: Snowball after hooking and get that survivors screaming for pressure.
Hey Red! Another amazing video as always, I have a build I'd like to see you try!
Gift of Brutal Pain for Singularity:
Ultimate Weapon
Scourge: Pain Resonance
Scourge: Gift of Pain
Rapid Brutality
Addon: Family Photo & Kid's Glove
Keep up the great work as usual!
4 love your channel
The drip is insane
Wraith is an all time favorite
Damn! Lol. I honestly thought it was my request. But I'm sure that will happen one day. And that is a pretty evil build if I'm being honest 😅
That one person on the first game "I thought it was a fun game"
Hello Red, I came to recommend you again a build I have for Freddy, I hope you like it:
The "Invisible Butcher" Freddy:
Perks – Monitor & Abuse, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher and Jolt (or any other perk to hold generators).
Add-ons – Unicorn Block and Pill Bottles.
That's it, I hope you like it and keep up the good work. 🙏🏻
A wraith clinic! Scary good!
I like how Kate was complaining about his build when she's running extremely common/meta perks herself lol
Got a build for you red : ultimate weapon huntress
Ultimate weapon
Darkness revealed
Iron Maiden for spicy reloads
Pain resonance
Add ons are dealers choice
Deerskin gloves and hatchet 🪓 wind up
Good job with the videos !
that kate.. you hate to see it
I don't even think this build is good. But it's fucking demonic against your average solo queue survivors lmao
Amazing, thanks Red!
I doubt you'll see this Red but I don't really have a build but this will work. It can work on just about every killer but it excels with high mobility killers especially, oni, Billy etc. Ultimate weapon with deadmans. Hook a survivor, open a locker and once they are in your terror radius, they scream and they are forced off the gen and dead man's takes the gen. I been doing with skull merchant and Billy and the value you get is insane. I'm thinking jolt will be a good 3rd perk and the 4th can be whatever. Hopefully you see this and give it a try. I know they will nerf the time Ultimate weapon works Probably soon. It's a strong perk combo with deadmans
This is actually very similar to my Wraith build with the main difference being oppression. I use jolt to add even more regression with the shadowdance add-ons to make kicking gens while cloaked faster. Great video as always tho Red! The content you put out is always entertaining to watch!
8:56 So many survivors don't realize that using Plot Twist counts as a down. I love it when they screw themselves over with that.
The Kate in the first game really fit her "Gigachad" name when she plot twisted and set off Eruption😂
I'm surprised you didn't run no where to hide instead of pain res.
Super sayian three myers:
Ultimate weapon
Corrupt intervention
Coup de grace
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Infinite tier three iridescent
Green faster stalk speed
Build idea: “the clown car (because fast)”
Perks: the new rapid brutality, save the best for last, devour hope and then anything from spirit fury to the hex protection one.
The for the add on: the one that gives extra yellow bottle speed time or any other one that makes yellow bottle better (I don’t know them very well)
The idea is that clown now becomes a constantly fast killer that can also use yellow bottles to go even faster. He would Start insta downing and gets a speed boost from devour. Just basically making clown into a speedy insta downing machine that has 5% haste when he gets a hit and 10% from devour and extra from bottles. Could be fun
Love Wraith! Those were some fun games tbh, well done!
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