Showing PotatoLegion why WESKER is A-TIER | Dead by Daylight

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Resident Evil’s Albert Wesker comes to Dead by Daylight in Project: W, so I invited @PotatoLegion to play vs. my Anti-Loop build!

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41 thoughts on “Showing PotatoLegion why WESKER is A-TIER | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Dissolution actually works quite well with Wesker because by the time you release them from the bound the 3 seconds to activate it have already passed.

  2. I think that a good both buff and nerd to wasker would be to make his hitbox smaller, because it would make it harder to aim giving more counter play then making it harder to get caught on super small items like boxes

  3. Yeah, I like that build. You could also mix it up by replacing Blood Favour or Save The Best For Last with either a slowdown or tracking perk and still have really good chase potential but shore up Wesker's other gameplay areas.

  4. A teirs don't need a nerd period always something to play around vs the, if he is only A teir and already having counters he is fine, blight is A tier and really easy to dodge. on top of that he is new so clearly survivors are going to learn more vs him or get better vs him over time, killer winrates are higher when they first are out.

  5. Everyone saying that weaker is the worst killer is def someone who only plays anti-loop killers Bc the are easier to play with, and probably don’t enjoy playing, they just enjoy winning


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