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THE BIGGEST BUFFS TO KILLERS EVER! | Dead By Daylight Developer Update
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– 0:00 – Introduction
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They left plague in the dust 🙁
Why does behavior have this thing with tweaking killer timings for missed anything. We understand you just whiffed your attack, go ahead and have another free smack on US for free because you're bad and missed. 😐👍
damn just solid buff for huntress an already great solid killer but the bad and low tier pig needs to sacrifice something for having a buff seems like behavior gotta nerf pig sadly
i like the piggy buffs, i do like to use her crouch to surprise survs and her dash at loops, not sure how i feel about not being able to see the boxes though
also i recently got into hag so i’m digging the changes
Interesting. Thanks King
Not sure what baby killers were asking for buffs for huntress ( with good aim one of the strongest killers) but this is unnececary and not gonna lie it worrys me.
You ok buddy? you sound so down 😔
will be leaving every huntress match
I love how bhvr saw stats about rate of survival and were like yep time to buff killers even more
Great video, fat boy. Keep it up
As a Piggie main, I'm fairly happy with her changes since her ambush is my favorite feature. Though, if they are going to increase headtrap timer, they should make boxes auras only being visible when the timer is active as basekit.
King! U need a nap. Lots of yawning I heard in your voice lol
That is overall a nerf for the Pig. The Traps are the main part of her power and are much safer for Survivors to deal with, whilst the Ambush (which you won't be using all that much anyways) is ever so slightly smoother to use.
Great buff.
I kinda liked how blurry the screen gets by clowns bottles😢
no survivor perk buffs is insanely disappointing
Survivor mains are pissed at this miniscule killer buff that won't make any difference during matches… Why complain when survivors are still BHVR's favorite spoiled child?
Im just confused how is this going to make survivors want to stop killing themselves on hook because of all these killers with op addons and perks combined with slugging and massive tunnelling thats been going on lately. In all the games I've been playing in the last month or two have been like this. I've been playing for over 5 years so I've seen the different play styles. I play killer and survivor but it seems that when a survivor perk comes out that's actually good like MFT all the killer mains want it nerfed, so it was nerfed, Dead Hard when it was for distance was fun and made the looping last longer but that got nerfed to the grave. Just a couple of examples. I just feel that killers have powers and let's please be honest here a lot of crazy perks and powers for killers keep getting buffed so more ppl play them to make those killers more active. Survivors don't have powers and again let's please be honest, survivor perks are pretty lame besides, prove thy which got nerfed 5% not too long ago and lost bp adrenaline and honestly I love bond, ppl never talk about it but i love it. this has been a bit long but im just curious what ppl and king think about what im saying… I just don't like how survivor players get excited for a new survivor and there perks and spend precious shards on them like i did and many others did on Gabriel Soma for the sole intention of MFT and then it gets nerfed. It's just wasting hard earned shards and leaves us with a junk perk to the point nobody uses it anymore. I feel survivors need love too not just the killers. This long comment isn't meant to make anyone upset or defensive cause i know there's two sides to dbd but remember i do play both, i just want to see a little more fairness in games. Thanks for the great videos King keep em coming : )
That Huntress buff is going to be insane
They buff killers, so more survivors will stop playing
Why are we changing huntress when she was fine before
As a pig main, I groan at pig changes. Now Beartraps are absolutely useless unless you use the already silly "scream build", andtaking away the ability to not see box auras won't stop a pig who is tunneling someone with an active trap (It's like watching someone with a tape go to a TV. All you need to know is the general area they are running to). Anyone who wanted a buff to the actual ambush attack doesn't know that pig's stealth was always best to get close and then come out of crouch to get a normal M1. The only thing that actually helps pig in this is the increased crouch movement speed. Was this the "rework" they've been alluding to for months?
it's nice to see that the devs followed another of my suggestions about implementing addons as basekit while simultaneously turning down the corresponding addons. i don't know if i'm a fan of the mangled change yet since survivors can still up to this date heal extremely quickly even with slow healing speed except if they are hit by the broken status effect. we'll have to see though.
they buffed already good killers but didnt buff the weakest killer in the game, which is Myers.
These were my suggestions for the pig.
-The Pig
Pig Dash can break pallets and breakable walls.
Pig Dash inflicts deep wound.
The Pig no longer sees the auras of Jigsaw Boxes.
Jigsaw Boxes spawn near generators.
Reverse Bear Trap activates after being unhooked.
Reverse Bear Trap timer is reduced to 2 minutes.
The Reverse Bear Trap timer does not go down when inside the killer’s terror radius.
On my way to see so many huntresses in the game💀(like hillbilly.)
They need to adjust stupid pink addons of the clown if they had more bottle please not a 5 bottle insta clown