The Dead by Daylight Crossplay Off Experiment

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I ran an experiment to see if I could turn MMR off.

0:00 – Intro
0:56 – Crossplay Off
1:21 – Experiment Game 1
2:46 – Game 1 (How it works)
13:23 – CP on vs CP off
13:57 – Is it consistent?
14:26 – Crossplay Off Theory
15:00 – Experiment Game 2
26:44 – My Experience
26:51 – Outro


30 thoughts on “The Dead by Daylight Crossplay Off Experiment”

  1. DBD DOES have a casual mode. It’s called Dead By Daylight. Gamers have just become incredibly sweaty and the idea that you can have fun WITHOUT being the best player has become a foreign concept. This problem isn’t unique to DBD tons of casual games develop a meta that makes it become stale and the devs struggle to fix this because its not an actual issue with the game its the players

  2. crossplay off for some reason creates a whole seperate que instead of just matching you with other same platform players, you are in with whoever specifically opts out of crossplay.
    system runs on low players = mmr doesn't do a whole lot. but it is a mixed bag, before mmr i used to play crossplay off to feel challenged as a blight, now it is a lot more casual then it used to be and i get all sort of players, but they do play more risky.

  3. When I turn crossplay off I get more consistantly good loopers but the gens tend to slow down, I think with crossplay off you get more groups of 2-4 playing with friends lookin to juice a killer instead of escape. Idk this is just conjecture tho

  4. Please stop bro we are going to have EVEN longer queue times just because you want to endorse noobs to not grow as a community , how do you expect to ever get any better if the challenge is always EASY I seriously don't understand dbd community as a whole . A community that endorses degression

  5. Am I the only one that saw the subtle speedhack in mika?? Someone in his chat even mentioned it when he was chasing her around shack "why are you so slow". He is not slow, the mika is fast rofl πŸ˜€ Anyone who plays killer for a semi decent amount of time knows you can't run 2 full loops around shack without window vault… even a 110% killer would catch up before you make that full loop.

    EDIT PS: Turning of CP also makes your queues longer

  6. I would say this video shows a great example of the placebo effect in action, you hoped for a "chill" game and felt you got one. Changing to crossplay off only reduces players available to match to as you said, however those players are still in the exact same mindset as those you would find with it on. The only real change I can think this would cause is getting lower skilled players and that's just smurfing really.

  7. Haven't watched the video yet, but I don't think disabling crossplay will make games easier.
    I think it just decreases the amount of available players the matchmaking can match to you.
    Which probably just means that the skill levels of survivors will fluctuate (even) more than in normal matchmaking.
    So you will probably get easier games sometimes, and even harder ones other times.

  8. OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— i got free gift from πŸ’œ πŸ’œ "1:40" iGdt

  9. I actually feel so bad for other killers since I know their pain being a killer main. whenever I do play matches with friends as survivors, i almost entirely either troll, try and drag out the match and just in general dick around. do bones etc.

  10. OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— i got free gift from πŸ’œ πŸ’œ "0:12" oYQi

  11. Ever since I tanked my mmr from trying to have more fun and get more bp by running an endgame hook bombing build, I found that xbox low-mid mmr is worse because with the regular low mmr gameplay, its also survivors that have trouble with the controller and are intimidated by people on pc, even though not all pc players are automatically better, but it does help to have more buttons and a mouse for aim.


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