THE KNIGHT IS A 3 GEN GOD! – Dead by Daylight

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The knight has some controversy at the moment on whether he is good or bad but no matter what they say his ability to lockdown a 3 gen is Insane!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!
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00:00 Game 1
21:32 Game 2


42 thoughts on “THE KNIGHT IS A 3 GEN GOD! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Instead of Overcharge, consider Oppression. It has a cooldown, but when you kick one gen, the other two in your three-gen also regress.

    Eh, then again with Eruption making things regress remotely, might not be a real need for it

  2. Unironically the 2.5% adds up to be pretty oppressive with this style. You have to kick 40 generators to get an entire gen of value from that. You… might actually get 30 or 40 kicks with this build. Kinda nuts.

  3. You should be able to manually cycle guards with alt power button and guards should function independently and simultaneously. You should also be able to cancel a guard by swapping to their icon and pressing a cancel button. That would make it feel more like the 4v1 we see in the trailer and give the Knight a more versatile and available power. Obv there would be limitations to avoid cheese; you can only be hunted by one at any time and others on patrol ignore you if you’re being hunted. I feel like it’d make him more of a threat. Also, his power trail should not be visible to Survivors and the orb should only be visible if close to a Survivor.

  4. Hey red I got a build I find to be very solid
    Using the add ons:
    Dried horse meat, map of the realm

    Pain res

    Dissolution is such a good perk for knight because of his ability to pressure survivors and bamboozle only aids this pressure and helps zone survivors better and your knights chasing powers

    Dms and pain res is self explanatory but with your guards kicking gens it will for survivors to get off and block gens

    The add ons are very simple just for the sake of pursuit and catching

  5. His Pink addon Knights Contract is just so laughably bad. The Knight is so much fun to play but so weak and still buggy like in the PTB. He deeds some addons reworked like half his Green a Pink and all Purple ones since situational addons arent that good. Knights Contract could let you spawn 2 Guards but not the same! Would be nice if the addons would affect the Guards more in chase instead on patrol

  6. I'd love to agree but I can't. I had the back 3 Gen in saloon with gallows and still couldn't down anyone so had to lose a gen just to get the game to progress. 1 on each gen , pre run, guards never catch up. It's the worst killer in a long long time. He's awful in chase and survivors can counter him so easily.

  7. I'd love to agree but I can't. I had the back 3 Gen in saloon with gallows and still couldn't down anyone so had to lose a gen just to get the game to progress. 1 on each gen , pre run, guards never catch up. It's the worst killer in a long long time. He's awful in chase and survivors can counter him so easily.

  8. In my opinion, holding W works against the guards yes, but if your holding W your not doing a gen. Literally the only killer that can conduct 2 chases at once as long as the banner stands

  9. hi red will you ever do a killer guide? i have miore than 2k hours and i am pretty decent, i always been good as killer but now it's nearly impossible for me to win, i sometimes experience long losing streaks with 5 gens done and 2 or 3 hooks. i dunno why i struggle this much recently, i dont't respect pallets, i don't over-commit chases, i try to scout gens, always pick up facing a wall to avoid flashlights, always try to hide the red stain and mindgame, and STILL gens fly and i feel any perk i bring is useless no matter what. this is a bit of rant ofc because i can't even play a game without getting angry because i can't do anything no matter what i try.
    i know youtubers and streamers play a lot of games, but i dunno why they can do these things..survivors in videos are potatoes? seems yes

  10. Dude the Knight is insane at defending a 3 gen, I'm glad you've had the same experience.

    I went against a SWF who had 4 brand new parts and an offering for the new map. I used Nowhere to Hide, Jolt, Eruption, Call of Brine + the Call to Arms and Dried Horsemeat addons. The match lasted 45 minutes mostly just patrolling 3 gens not being able to commit to any chases, but over time they started making costly mistakes so I got a 3k + 1 dc towards the end. It was easily the longest and most fun game of DBD I've ever played.

  11. Thats the built I was trying yesterday before this video was made. That built is so strong. I'll kick gen and spawn a ghost there to watch. The built helps you lot. Makes sure you get the survivor 3 gen them self.

  12. Hey red, can i request a build? I don't have the knight so i can't try it yet

    Forever Screaming Legion

    Hex: Face the darkness
    Lethal Pursuer
    Hex: Plaything

    Add ons:
    Legion pin
    Etched ruler

    The idea is to frenzy hit the first survivor and leave em alone for the rest of the match, this activates face the darkness, and if they mend, they cant heal for 1 minute because of legions pin, so they can only cleanse the totem to remove the hex, and as long as you apply oblivious status to any other survivor (via etched ruler, hysteria or plaything) youll see their aura every 25 seconds, because they are "outside" your terror radious
    You can also switch any of this perks with Hex: Thrill of the hunt, which makes impossible for the screaming survivors to cleanse the totem

    Hope you find this build interesting, and hopefully it works the way i think

  13. Said from the beginning, nowhere to hide needs a massive nerf on the range because 24 meters for just kicking a gen is way too much information without a cooldown. It should be 12-15 at best… what were the devs thinking?


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