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playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer this time its the dredge trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead and survivor many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun
#dredge #thedredge #newdbdkiller #deadbydaylight #otzdarva #jrm #ayrun #tru3ta1ent
Literal definition of "you can copy my homework but just change things around "
For 3k Bp
They changed previous event toolboxes into Commodious equivalent too
Is it just me or are gens flying during this event? Every match the gens were obnoxiously fast, I guess people are trying to pump out gens for the community challenge, but uh. . .they never let me try and do mine, even when I try to show that I'm a fellow killer who just wants to kick the gen a few times, they just BM and try very hard :/
I had a game where we had a 5 flan offering and the survivors finished the game in 4 minutes. I don't have gen defense and my chases were decently quick. I even indicated to them I was a good killer and would hook everyone equally but it wasn't happening. Was a waste of good BP for both sides
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I had game last night where the survivors had 2 gens left. I had a 3 gen on one side on Ironworks. Didn't matter. 2 gens left and tinkerwr procced on 3 gens!!! 3 gens!!! They did practically all 7 gens in like an 8-10 minute game, I was using Deathslinger and had mixed hooks throughout the game until the tinkerer procs then i started camping and tunneling because what the the fuck else can I do??
"They're the same picture"
playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer this time its the dredge trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead and survivor many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun
Are those keywords in the description & tags I see? Naughty boy.
Hey now. One has a firework. Significant difference.
Aren't all event toolboxes commodious toolboxes?
Cool, so I should get ready for a large string of matches where everyone has 11K BP maximum. It's completely pathetic that 4 gens are done in about 5 minutes.
The balloons are changed just minor, and something that would take very little time. That is it on the hooks. Gens have feathers.. That is the only thing that is different there besides the balloons but the balloons are also a copy and past from the hook balloons. The locker change is also something that can be quickly done, and is also just a color change I believe but even if its not, that would still be a minor change in shapes that are plastered on the now Colored Purple banner.
The pedestals are also the same as a past one with very small edits that would not take long to do either. All changes together would take 30 min – one hour max by someone who is new to doing said edits but where told how to do said edits… This also means new to the program being used in my opinion as these where the type of changes that took me less than that when I was learning a new editing program for this sort of stuff as a teen… Without anyone teaching me though, nor someone helping me.. But I tend to be a fast learner so I am giving at least some more time on my estimate for those who are slow at it.