The "OP" Pig Build! Dead by Daylight

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pig op now I guess? lol

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #op #pig

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36 thoughts on “The "OP" Pig Build! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I run enduring spirit fury, brutal and stbfl! I love it, played pig about 3 days ago for the first time and I’m now silver 1 so I love her!

  2. Not really related to the video but what are the chances that Behaviour release the archive pig outfit in the shop? I like pig but hate all the normal masks.

  3. I understand you don't want solo survivors to have the same info as swf and balancing the game that way.(basically having to make killers strong if that happens) but how would you nerf swf? What's your idea?

  4. Why wouldn't it be smart to get parity between solo and swf? That's basically the only way they can get actual balance going. Ping system/chat wheel. Done. From there THEN they should have started doing drastic balancing.

    What wasn't smart was teachable perks. Dumbest and laziest thing they ever did.

  5. True talent, it's your friend mark, here in Florida, bro.. im not sure, why everyone says that s.w.f, survive with friends needs to be nerfed or buffed, and the same for killer!! I'm tried of those 2 getting more attention from the developer's all the mean while solo que gets left out in the cold!! The survive with friends and killer sides can't wait a while for nerfs and buffs and changes!! It's most definitely 100% time for the solo que to get live and attention from te developer's!! Everyone else can go fly a kite for all I care.. there are other gamers that play this game, that more than likely will agree with me!! Not everyone plays survive with friends or e.t.c!! There are gamers like myself who play casual and e.t.c and I like solo que.but solo que is hard to play now, than before these new changes recently!!

  6. Ace is the quietest while Ash is the loudest. That muphucka huffs and puffs like a champ. Really curious how they will handle that later. Maybe they will make everyone Ace level quiet. Wouldn't surprise me 😀

  7. mf expects them to say gg after he played so good he made them quit/give up, same for tricksters, they're upset and want out the match, get em out the match and move on with your stream 💀 can't expect shit from anyone

  8. I think kindred as base kit for solo survivor wouldnt be unfair, however, it cant be available to every survivor, otherwise it will be 2 antitunel perks free of charge already. I mean, right now survivors have basically 5 perks every match.

  9. This is why I main pig years ago maybe she wasn't at the best but in the right hands and that can do really good mindgame and anything that pig can do too get the traps to go off or making sure people do something secondary before gens and all that

  10. I don't think they should nerf swf. You shouldn't get punished for playing with friends. Not to mention how would the game know if you're a swf or not. I feel like if we bring solo up to swf we can not feel so bad about making really strong killers. Like bringing back old spirit, buffing perks like painres dms, ect. It might take a while but other games have done stuff like this such as rainbow 6

  11. Imo they need to add a chat wheel or something for solo to buff it and then when the gap will be shorted between swf and solo they could buff killers. But i doubt it will ever happen

  12. Dude stop talking about how imbalanced the game is with swfs it’s literally how it was intended to be, solo Q just needs to be updated to be on par with swfs on comms no point in talking about that when it’s never going to be changed unless you want to give me a solution right now that’s reasonable to swfs ?


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