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18 thoughts on “THE POWER ROLE (TILL ITS NERFED SOON) – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I'll never understand the whole take a hit and stand inside the killer strategy. Smart killer is gona look for that and you'll never get away with it. But I see that "strat" all over YouTube so people follow.. shits crazy man

  2. I like the concept Tru3's DS idea. Say, once off the hook you have DS for maybe 2 minutes instead and can touch gens, heal, etc but as soon as someone else gets hooked, it turns off. Literal anti-tunneling perk.

  3. Soon all killer add ons will be like poor ghostfaces. IRI add ons be like: Reduce time stalking without leaning from cover by 0.75 seconds. Pinheads will probably be reduce time for chain hunts to activate by 0.50 seconds. What a joke.

  4. The fact that you moan over every nerf is incredible.
    You don't even use his chain hunts effectively.
    Instead of Franklin's you should use hoarder and try to find the person who picked up the box.
    So you can keep the chain hunt going.
    A killers worth shouldn't be defined by his add ons or perks but what YOU can do with him.
    I'd take more skill over strong or gamechanging add ons or perks.
    What I take from the things you say about the nerf is that you are mad because a win isn't served to youon a silver platter anymore when it goes to live.
    You are just a whiny spoiled child that cries when someone takes one of your cookies when 20 are still left.
    Just grow up mate.

    And the idea of ds staying til someone else gets hook is such a dumb idea.
    The person with ds could actively try to take hits for others so they don't get downed and force you to take it.
    DS is fine as it is now.

  5. So Iri Fang is getting gutted Tru3 says. But the downside to Iri Fang is his anti-loop gets nerfed. But Tru3 also says the anti-loop is shit already. Kinda doesn't make sense. If his anti-loop is already horrible, then making it a bit worse really isn't nearly as impactful, as the massive pressure gained from injuring with Iri Fang.

    I don't agree with Tru3s opinions at all on NFT Man. I think Pin Head is a solid killer without Iri Fang, and that his anti-loop isn't bad either, so the downside from Iri Fang is big, and I think Tru3 knows that. However with how much he shits on his anti-loop, it makes 0 sense that Tru3 then also realizes the nerf is big, when in his mind there wasn't much for them to nerf.

    Also on a separate note, I get that NFT Man has RNG in his chains, but even so, it's definitely not one of the worst anti-loops in the game. Just because it denies fast vaults on pallets can make it pretty solid. Also his 4v1 is good, but so is Pig and she's shit because she has bad anti-loop, so his anti-loop isn't "one of the worst in the game." It's nowhere near comparable to Pigs borderline useless dash. I don't think a Killer other than Billy (different time, better add-ons, also smaller roster lol) has ever been "top 4" and been bad in chase or map pressure. It's just not possible with such a large roster.

  6. Can someone explain why they’re nerfing pinhead in the first place? I play against him a lot and he doesn’t seem overpowered if anything he seems weak especially if you have good movement.

  7. I really don't like that DS idea, because imagine for example you're playing against a Bubba, someone comes to rescue you and the Bubba downs you both, with Tru's idea if the Bubba hooks your teammate first then your DS is deactivated, and then you're basically screwed, even tho you did get downed right after being unhooked. This can apply to other killers too, but Bubba is the most obvious one


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