The Psychology of SORE WINNERS | Dead by Daylight

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21 thoughts on “The Psychology of SORE WINNERS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree that anyone that feels the need to type "GG EZ" is a very sad individual that needs to touch grass and get a life.

    And to the people that do it just to meme are also Tw@ts imo …… just grow up.

  2. It definitely is a Online Gaming Issue not just DBD.

    I used to play Destiny 2 and just like DBD there are certain weapons that the community claims to be "No skill". One was a Bow called Le Monarque which has super fast aim speed and Explosive Poison arrows. I just wanted to try it out even tho Bows weren't my thing

    The amount of sore winner messages I received was honestly kinda sad. They would shame me and be like "Wow I beat a insert slur Bow user"

    DBD has it but NOWHERE near a lot of FPS games I used to play

  3. It surprises me how often I do things in DBD JUST to assert dominance. Like, I need the other side to know I was in control and chose to play sub-optimally. Which is revealing. Why do I make my opponent’s perception part of my win condition? It causes me to play more aggressively or with retribution that I otherwise wouldn’t have, and it spoils the fun I was having. Just a thought.

  4. i also feel like this applies more to survivor sore winners, because since people treat survivors and killers as separate teams, or factions, survivors most likely defend their own and as killer since you're alone, it stings more, because you have no one to back you up. killers can also brag but it doesnt cut as deep for survivor.

  5. The win thing, technically the game made those rules because if you get two kills then you get one pip but if no kills or just one kill then you lose a pip. So the community just took.

  6. The way I see it, everyone gets at least some reward at the end of the match, and if you really do end up not getting much, you can do side objectives from different rift compendiums or the current tome, and you’ll be able to compensate for a bad loss. There’s legitimately no reason for being unsportsmanlike unless the other side is actively being shitty like slugging everyone for a 4K or Teabagging purely to make someone upset.

  7. The only time i say ggez is when the killer is bming during the match and makes a mistake thats drastic enough to let 4 ppl escape, just to get under the killers skin which can cause them to tilt and make more mistakes their next match, keep in mind at the end game the killers are always still bming in end game chat shit talking and thats when i say ggez get better, i do the same in league of legends ppl have an ego they bm and talk shit all match to only lose. U drop the ggez on them

  8. Thanks! I appreciate someone with credentials like you covering this subject. That is the worst part of the game for me. It is to the point that if I don't secure a 4k I go to the basement when the last Gen pops lol. But, word is bond, I swear more than once I have gotten a 4k by doing just that because the survivors wouldn't leave without me witnessing their teabagging and the entity scooped them up at the exit!!

  9. even better is when a Cheater says gg ez like they did something special. I find more survivors are like this rather than killers. With cheats or not most of the survivors I have encountered over the years are toxic asf and say gg ez as they crutch on strong second chance perks. I attribute this to group mentality. When I get a skillful survivor that doesn't do what I mentioned above its a breath of fresh air,and I find myself enjoying my playsession . Compared to the amount of strong perks survivors have, killers got most of their meta perks gutted,and to top it off theres really only like 3 or 4 killers that can truly compete with good survivors, or ones that crutch on second chances. been playing this game since 2016 both sides and the things I mentioned can make a dbd play session utterly miserable to the point where someone ALT+F4s

  10. Really good analysis on kind of the mindset these types of people have as for your question as to whether or not it's a Dbd specific issue no I have seen it in call of duty, mortal Kombat and for me especially for honor when I used to play it was thanks thanks thanks every game I mean every single game so it's definitely prevalent in Dbd but I don't think it's entirely just a community thing.

  11. As a killer i try to play like im a movie killer. (Pretending i cant tunnel for at least 20 seconds off hook, allowing survivors to unhook and not wait just out of range) obviously thats not "meta" way to play so i lose on killers im not good at (dagger throwy boi and blight for instance) ive noticed when i lose as the trickster i dont get hate, they say "nice try" even though i missed literally every throw. When i play blight who im worse at i barely get any hits get stuck on trees etc and almost every time im flamed in chat afterwards even though they got away maybe being hooked twice total (2/12) very bizzare to me that the harder skilled killers are the ones to receive hate with their high skill curve but the lower ranked killers get sympathy. I do find that winning with trapper people also dont like. I wonder if the perceived strength of the killer has something to do with it. Nobody complains when i play plague, which is insane because i have nearly a 100% hook rate i occasionally let the last survivor go because shes so oppressive. Most sore winners i get are when playing pyramid head, blight, nemesis, the artist (everyone flames me for that one) and ghost face. Most other killers people say just GG


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