The Ring chapter would be perfect if she had just one change | Dead by Daylight

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Giving my thoughts on the recent ring chapter ptb, and how I think everything is very solid except for one little change that the new killer needs. Feel free to share your thoughts and let me know if you agree or disagree, or if you have any other ideas.

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31 thoughts on “The Ring chapter would be perfect if she had just one change | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The only buffs I could see being needed for her: Some sort of signal to the killer that lets them know someone was afflicted with a point of condemn. Allowing her within 8 seconds of exiting a tv and hitting a survivor to inflict another point of condemn giving her a bigger range for condemn whilst not just changing the numbers. Give her a longer speed boost when coming out of a TV. Finally make her demanifest state allow her to walk through obstacles (she’s demanifested ffs). This would give her slight mind game potential and make her demanifest state more unique and less of a worse shroud/bell. It would also give her a different form of movement “speed.” What I mean is that while wraith technically moves faster he has to move around obstacles while she wouldn’t allowing a diff form of catch up.

  2. I think her passive slowdown with putting the taps back in to remove condem is too strong on the survivor side. Like survivors can just straight up ignore condem all together.

    Unlike pin head, where you have to solve the box or the chain hunts will reveal your location and hurt every survivor affected. It reminds me of Freddy's boxes and are completely optional to do, if u want to be oblivious the whole game go for it you will still hear the freddy lullaby.

    Overall, she needs some chase power maybe give her a crawling sprint rush like blight where she can just murder people like oni does if she gets enough condem stacks. Survivors want to have fun chases and not just jump scares, sure it will get free hits here and there but tv locations once found by the survivor loose their surprise factor.

  3. I saw there is an addon that makes people get condemned when they heal someone who is already condemned, i think that such things could be base kit , or like unhooking and doing gens also gives that, and just make a higher number like 9-10 instead of 7.
    Or while you hold a Tape every action you do that already gives condemned is doubled or something.

  4. I think reducing Survivor Movement Speed by 1% for each stack of Condemned would be a very good and easy fix for her.
    As of now, she pretty much has no anti-loop and her power feels very underwhelming. On top of that, Condemned is a very unthreatening mechanic. It doesn‘t matter if the Survivor has 1 to 6 stacks, and even if he has 7 stacks, the Onryo lacks the chase potential to even down the Survivor to get the Mori.
    This added Movement Speed penalty could fix both of these problems, without having to add new complicated mechanics or animations.

    Now by reducing Survivor Movement Speed by 1% for each stack she gets kind of a ‚passive anti-loop ability‘. Also Survivor will actively try to avoid gaining more than 2 or 3 stacks, because by then the Movement Speed penalty will be noticeable. So instead of just having Map Mobility like it is now, the Onryo will actually have real Map Preassure! Turning off TVs and gaining Condemned will actually effect Survivors and be a threat to them.

    On top of that, a Movement Speed penalty affects high level play more than the casual gaming scene. High MMR Survivor will try to loop as long and efficient as possible, which can be much harder with only 97% movement speed. At the same time, a more casual Survivor might early drop the pallet anyway. So this Onryo change might make her more viable on a high level, while also not make her feel oppressive at casual level.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  5. I really think it's too early to say that kind of thing, is precisely because this killer doesn't have a simple chase mechanic that the analysis should be more careful. By the way, CoconutRTS and DOWSEY have said really good points.

  6. survivors should be exposed when they are fully condemned, that way she doesnt need more than 2 hits to down them (counting on people dead hard and taking hits it may still happen but it would make her make some more pressure) her condemned status should be faster and ngl im a survivor main and this killer seems so much fun to play with an against it!

  7. I don't know why you recently try to say everything that behavior is doing is fun. I really can't understand man. I use to watch your videos and they were really amazing and fun to watch but now. come on man the only connection that we have to behavior is you and the other fog whisperers and we all know that behavior didn't have even 1 good Idea in at least 1 year but you don't say anything, you just come after every bad ideas and say yea it is fun. fun ??? we say medkits are so great then they come with healing boon. we say all the killers are the same thing they nerf the old killer to become the same as the other ones. and now when the meta of the game is holding w they come with a killer that have no chase power and again is the same thing as the old ones and the best that she can do is hit and run at the time that we have a boring healing boon that they just heal in a blink. I am not saying that the chapter is bad or something, yes like you said every killer shouldn't be op but why just for ones can't have a balance killer. and the part that make me more angry is that you guys try so hard recently to say that this game is balance and so fun. we all know that it waaaaaaaaaaas fun but come on which part of holding w and m1 and win is fun ??? even wining is not fun any more. the only reason that, I don't say the most of us but I'm playing it is that I use to love this game and I'm good at it and I don't have anything else like it. sadly this is the only good one so far but I miss the days that it wasn't good, it was amazing. plz just stop doing this and give us the old fun tofu content.

  8. When fully condemned you have exposed status as well as when carrying the tape you are exposed it would be lore accurate make her lil stronger and make them choose between being downed n hooked

  9. Keep Survivors being able to turn off TVs and shut off the teleports – but make it take the same amount of time as Booning a Totem. That way, it is a choice between putting in time working on the generator, or going for the "safe" play.

  10. I would want turning off tvs to be worth while if multiple survivors are on the gen or if the survivor is dead on hook anyways, but then to simply be a bad idea when the survivor is healthy and alone.

    What if they removed the condemned killer instinct and holding a tape made the survivir fully condemned until they drop it off?
    Then turning off tvs all the time from the start would just be insanely reckless. As a killer you could see that they are condemned in the hud and try to predict what they are doing. But its still worth while for survivors to interact with the tvs/tapes if they are dead on hook or fully condemned.

  11. I think a nice change (or add-on) would be to hide the condemnation stacks from the survivor perspective too, would make it harder for the survivor to know exactly when to clear their condemnation and make riskier plays to clear it down when they might not need to do that just yet

  12. A few ideas:
    Full Condemned status should give you Exposed, to make survivors fear it a bit more
    Condemned could be gained passively, either by doing gens or just in general like Pinhead, but much slower than grabbing a tape
    Give deep wound when hitting a survivor afting manifesting (Not sure about this one)
    Like someone else mentioned, you could be incapacitated while you hold a tape
    A half stack of condemned could be given to others after healing or unhooking them, either by the survivor transferring it to them or just doing what the add-on currently does but basekit
    Not showing the "right" TV but making it possible to bring the tape to any TV would be nice, but with the downside that only 1 clears 4 stacks, and all the others clear like 1 or 2

  13. I think they should remove the ability to turn off multiple TV's at a time. That just shuts down her power too much. She will struggle to spread condemned and she'll have crippled map pressure if survivors run around turning TV's off. Instead, carrying the tape should fill the condemned meter quicker and also give survivors the incapacitated effect (can't do gens). Thematically survivors should be spreading the tape, not preventing others from seeing it by turning off TV's or holding onto it and doing objectives. I think these changes would force survivors to actually grab a tape and spread it ASAP giving them a tough choice when they're over halfway condemned. If they wait too long, then they risk becoming fully condemned while on their way to the TV with a tape. Gameplay should revolve more around the killer spreading condemned at the cost of map pressure by turning TV's off with her power, and less about giving survivors control over how she uses her power.

  14. Unrelated: I bought some tofu today and I didn't like it at all, but I've only tried it raw, and with some sugar.
    How do I prepare the rest of it so it doesn't taste like bad cheese?

  15. I hope Devs can change how a game can be played based on each killer's back story.
    Like in this chapter, Sadako can have little to no chase ability and can go through walls, but focus on placing condemned status effect on players. Once the meter is filled, players are killable while healthy. Instead of doing 5 gens, survivors had less gen and new objectives like item collection, puzzle-solving and etc, to temporary cleansing Sadako out of the game. It would be fun.

  16. If she demanifested/manifested a little quicker you could use it as a way to hide your red stain and it would effectively be antiloop but only if youre smart enough to use it correctly

  17. I dropped the DBD after the last Q&A stream, but from what I seen I think an add on that makes her faster while demanifested but slower at manifesting could be interesting.
    Potentially make the VHS tapes more realistic to the IRL VHS tapes with rewinding. Have a base 3 second to insert and push rewind on the casette, and have the player hold M1 to rewind 2 seconds per stack. This could earn the killer 5 to 18 seconds depending on the severity of the Condemned effect plus survivors wouldn't need to do the rewinding at least twice to go from fully condemned to not condemned. Maybe add a static effect when rewind is initiated on the killer side so she can teleport and interrupt the rewind. Kinda like Pinhead teleporting to Box in case if a chase.

  18. maybe doing actions such as healing, or repairing gens while holding a tape makes condemned go up faster, and made you do the action slower. so holding a tape while doong a gen would like triple your condemnation speed, and decrease your repair speed by like 10%. or, if you are holding a tape and are hit, your condemned gains a stack. also inserting a tape shouldnt take 4 stacks. maybe 3, or even 2

  19. I think a good way to make her unique is to buff her means to condemn. Perhaps a successful hit on a survivor would add a stack of condemn. After all, her attack is a curse. This would make it so that at a minimum, seven successful hits on a survivor in a match would make them killable. Perhaps that's too strong, but it would shift the gameplay and be a really unique experience compared to other killers. It would also shift the meta away from hook based perks, making her rely less on having to down and hook survivors and more on means of stealth and gen patrol. I think that'd be a pretty unique playstyle while keeping everything else intact and not breaking the game's core mechanics. Maybe make the TVs turn back on sooner and slightly reduce the condemn received from other means – idk you're the balance guru!

  20. Theres some great suggestions here , maybe a good counter to people carrying the tape is that her speed increases considerably as bloodlust kicks in , i know i would feel the fear knowing that she will get consistantly faster as she chases me i im carrying a cursed videotape


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