The Skull Merchant Gets a (Better) Round of Changes – Dead by Daylight

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41 thoughts on “The Skull Merchant Gets a (Better) Round of Changes – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Well… She have 5 dronen. If i remember well if you have this trap on you, you are useless for x amount of time (no repairing etc.).
    Even if 2 people will deactivate drones for 3 gen nothing will change.
    But buffs are intersting. GJ BHVR. At least one for a while.

  2. BHVR first creates a trigen camp trash killer, now they make it a ex-trigen camp trash killer. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ She will keep her low pick status but at least I won't have to quit from my games against her.

  3. I'd argue this now creates an even worse 3-gen situation. Here's how I see it:

    Say we have a 3-gen as skull merchant with gen kick regression.
    Place a drone at gen C and proceed to patrol gen A and gen B. What can survivors do? either remove the drone at gen C, or ignore gen C and try to bomb gen A and/or gen B.
    Let's say they remove drone at gen C: skull merchant places new drone at that place and goes back to patrolling gen A and gen B, but now with 3% more movespeed. If survivors remove gen C's drone again, skull merchant just repeats the replacing of the drone and going back to patrolling gen A and gen B, but now with possibly 5% extra movespeed. Survivors cannot continuously destroy a drone at a single gen fast enough to actually make her run out of drones, so this will become an infinite loop.

    well okay. so lets say then to bomb gen B. Simple; skull merchant now kicks gen with her gen regression, recalls drone from gen C and places it at gen B. we now have a gen with gen regression on it being permanently guarded by a drone. So what options do the survivors have now? either let gen B regress and try to bomb another gen, resetting this loop… trying to bomb gen B through the drone, risking mass exposed effect… or removing the drone and thus repeating the process I mentioned one paragraph before.

  4. They took an m1 killer with exceptional tracking abilities but average skill in other areas, gave her haste and made dropped pallets useless, and didn't take anything away from her. Not only does she still have her extreme 3 gen potential, but now she has a free haste effect to patrol gens much faster. All BHVR did was buff a problem killer so killer mains would cry about it less. Even you admitted her 3 gens make SWFs struggle.

  5. So I had to redo this comment because I'm going off new knowledge these new changes are a nerf and feel more fitting for the twins. I think that victor falling off a survivor after a short amount of time is better than for the skull killer to have the trap fall off. They added a reason for why you wouldn't want to have a claw trap on you after the timer and then actively made it so that having a trap won't matter since it will eventually fall off and the killer won't be able to pressure the survivors to punish them for leaving a trap on making the punishment of having a claw trap lackluster.

  6. Regardless of the effectiveness these changes end up making, it's still very uplifting to see them so willing to dive into quite interesting and non-trivial mechanical changes.

  7. Honestly these changes feel like a double nerf with a slight buff instead of a good change.

    They nerfed her by basically putting an indirect cooldown on her drones, and then took away her claw traps recharging. The base kit brown add on is nice, but meaningless since she's a defensive killer and not a chase/anti-loop killer. Same thing with the haste, that falls off after survivors vault a pallet btw since it breaks the trap so it doesn't even have synergy unless it has a lingering effect.

    All in all, the changes just feel like they're trying to force a defensive killer to go for chases/looops, the one thing she is absolutely atrocious at.

    Edit: Holy jesus, they didn't make the claw trap battery life shorter. This is a 45 second indirect cooldown for each individual drone. You are now FORCED to chase that survivor just to get your power back, this is worse than I thought.

  8. Seems like whenever the devs realize a power is too strong, they decrease the killer's movement speed. Conversely, whenever a killer power sucks and it's unique elements aren't really effective, they compensate with more movement speed. At this point, why not just create a killer whose power is movement speed? It's simple and effective, and would create a gold standard for killers. If you're X amount movement speed lower than gold standard, then your power should be equivalently powerful.

  9. good, now if they change her base appearance to make her A LITTLE more menacing she would be perfect and worth buying, not a killer until then, foh with that design bhvr

  10. great changes in theory, but the haste changes will mean most people will just stop interacting with drones and play around with the risk of her coming to your area while you're exposed. the only powerful thing about SM was her 3-gen potential, she's easy to loop in an M1 and even if you go down most of the time that let's a group of survivors get significant progress OR finish a gen.

  11. The speed increase will get nerfed or survivors will just never destroy the drones and take the risk of a one shot. Like before I still think timing and coordination will be required to have a less miserable experience against her. To me it just looks like they’ve slightly weakened the 3 gen defence while massively increasing her effectiveness in chase. The killers entire concept is just ass and the only good change would be if they gave her a different power or removed her from the game

  12. I feel like it's a misconception to say people were holding 3 gens with her because she was bad at everything else. People were mostly holding 3 gens with her because they felt like being assholes and boring people to death.

  13. Why not give her literal drones she can fly around and look out of, or placeable call of duty like cameras that show a live feed on the corner of the screen or on the radar ipad thing

  14. Why does she need a complete rework? She had an effective counter already. Gen rush at the end instead of at the beginning. Her drones aware equivalent to boons. She was an interesting killer with a different style. Now she is worse than trapper.

  15. I just hope this doesn't turn into another Sadako where she has a cool mechanic that goes entirely unused because survivors realise it's better to just not interact with it at all. How Behaviour keeps missing stuff like that is just perplexing.

  16. It’s not only a long way to go for the Skull Merchant, but for killer as a whole. I think this is important for killers because this definitely means they are looking at feedback now and hopefully, this will affect the way they do balance changes. Not saying EVERYTHING will be fixed, but by addressing more and more issues due to player feedback, it will definitely find its way to more killers and perks getting tweaks and changes. However, it’s their decision. Not ours.

  17. as a toxic survivor main there should only be one person spam taking down drones basically like people do with trapper so only one person should have the thing that gets splintered onto your arm the only way you can stop me from bullying this killer in that way BHVR needs to make it where if you have a claw trap you can't hack a second drone.


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