Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
So the Anniversary Event is out and with it comes the Face Campers, Tunnelers and Bad Teammates. Lets rage… As always, hope you enjoy my funny DBD moments and gameplay.
If you enjoyed, consider subscribing. Thanks. Stay safe.
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
Funny survivor moments in Dead by Daylight of trolling killers while looping killers and flashlight blinding killers to escape. And using the best Survivor perks and a flashlight. Looping and Juking killers.
#DbD #Survivor #Trolling
My fave notification bro
Take this BAUGGET and CROSSOUNT 🥐🥖
the one dislike is the killer that got bullied
Love it
This is what ever youtuber needs to be like
Bro you like to bully killer's but sometimes killer's bully you in my case this happens a lot 😑😂
Me: shines my flashlight straight in the killers face
Killer: Not today
Me: Screams so loud I get in trouble
OooooOoo too beast !
Video is *chefs kiss*
It’s a mess when the event started. 😭
Let's go love your content
I'm addicted of your videos. I was waiting for days :3
PD: Sorry for the english xD. I am from Spain.
Homie how do you highlight your thumbnails like that?
Lol, good video! 🔥🔥
This video was really hard to make since dbd was acting up really bad. Hopefully the next one is better. Either way i appreciate you guys taking the time to watch it. Stay safe homies
I love your vids keep up the good work bro next goal 5k your almost there!!!
I love this event and that is also true lol
Yeah the game is messed up rn
Do u play with subs?
Do you play with people I will like to play dbd with you
Love the vids man and no the events trash…
I completely agree, all ppl are tunnellers, campers, or farmers, no normal matches ;(
Lets goooo noo more boredom after today thank you ,, and i love it
hey the event gives u a TON of bloodpoints so if you ever wanted to prestige your nea you have the chance to now!! 🙂 oh and nea is getting a new facial rework and skin soon
I like the event becuase of the free blood points and cakes
My waiting times were very bad yesterday for surviver and I wasn’t even solo
It just shows how he don’t care what other people think about this game he’s loyal he still likes playing the game and I like that about him so I subscribed🤙🤗
Ion understand how killers enjoy facecamping ive been getting tunneled and proxy more frequently since the event ive dc'd lost pips and derank because of tunnelers and it be a waste of cakes
We are gonna be the OGs here when he hits a million😭
This event has been super not fun. I’m saving up cakes for when games go back to normal.. if they ever go back to normal. I worry this new facecamp and tunnel extra hard trend is because of the influx of new players not knowing how to have fun with other people.
For Feng. RIP. Also, I like the item designs, the cakes, and the cosmetics. The gameplay itself is not very good. It's bringing out some weird things in people. Anyway, love your content, my dude. I always look forward to it. <3
Yo I haven’t sub until now but I have been watching you sense 200 subs
I don’t actually like the event much. Just the bloodpoints honestly since I’m trying to level up more people like Yui and Zarina 😂
Why the sad music though!? 🤣🤣🤣
great vid 🙂 have you had much lag since the resident evil update? its awful on ps at the moment <3 xx
My cat died 2 days ago & I’ve bin sad asf, so Tyuhh for making me laugh! I’m happy I found your channel
“Useful Noodle” 😂
Yes, I I heard the thunder ⚡